Monday, May 23, 2022

May 22, 2022

 Sunday May 22, 2022

Blog time 1830 sitting in living room.

Slept in until 0715.  Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for morning coffee.  The sign on the door said Panera should be open but not the case.  Made a quick detour to Biggby coffee.

Brief account of day’s activities:

Oatmeal breakfast

Attended 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.

After church took tour of neighborhoods located east of downtown.

1230 left for Moleski’s.  The entire book club, Linda, Nancy, Mary, Connie and Tim were in attendance.  

We had turkey for our brunch along with grilled veggies and of course wine.

Got home at 1700.

It was a nice evening so took mile walk.

After the heavy brunch decided on skipping dinner.

Tonight we watched a show on Shakespeare and his home town of Stratford.  The show was narrated by John Nettles of Midsomer fame.  Good show.

FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy this evening.  Everything ok.

It was cool when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Temperature will drop to mid 40s tonight.  Frost warnings further north.

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