Saturday, May 7, 2022

May 6, 2022

 Friday May 6, 2022

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Despite the fact I have been retired 14 years I am alway glad to see Friday.  I seem to run out of steam on Fridays from my M-F routine.  Chin-ups and pull-ups are especially difficult on Fridays.  Go figure.

I got up a 0700.  Stepped outside to unlock garage door.  It was raining with temperature in high 40s. No bike today.

Completed routine before Oatmeal breakfast.  I have to drive to Y so this is a good time to take a change of workout clothes.  

The parking lot was full but the area where I do my routine was empty.  Most folks must be attending classes.

Completed my normal routine and walked a mile.  Today I took a shower at the Y before heading to Panera.

Ordered baguette and coffee.  Started my mornin reading and finished yesterday’s blog.  Nancy stopped by and we talked a little.  Agreed we would have dinner at Schnitz’s Deli in Ada.

1230 and for the first time since 2019 Panera was full of lunch time patrons. Good news.

Drove to Carelinc and using my Doctor’s prescription I bought a walker for use after the hip surgery.

This and that:

The Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion will give the Dems new life in the 2022 midterm elections.  It appears that if you are an abortion proponent you cannot be friends with an anti.  Why?

The leaves are almost 100% out.

We are like our fathers.  My Dad’s biggest complaint at age 84 was that he could never get warm.  I have the same problem.  I see the majority of men wearing only tees on 50 degree days.  I usually have four layers.  My Grandfather wore long woolen underwear year round.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I left home at 1615 and drove to Ada.  The rain had finally stopped.  

We had dinner at Schnitz Deli.  Nancy had the roast beef sandwich and I had the club.  Fifteen minutes after arriving the place was filled.  Good timing.  The food is great.

Tonight we watched a movie on Prime.  It starred Tommy Lee Jones.  Very good.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  I noted a black and white cat in the yard.  Nice clear evening with the crescent moon bright in the sky.  Sun and temps in the 60s tomorrow.

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