Monday, May 9, 2022

May 8, 2022

 Weekend update for May 7 and 8

Blog time 1900 on Sunday sitting in living room

Saturday:  May 7

Up at 0700 quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  

It was a beautiful sunny day.  High temp today will be mid 60s.

After breakfast we took a short ride.  Stopped at Nancy’s Physical Therapist to pay a bill.  Unfortunately the place was closed.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  She also helped me bring up the deck furniture.  We are now ready for sitting outside.

Later,  I hopped on my bike and took an 11 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride.

After the ride I took a quick shave and shower.  I did make a trip to Meijer’s to resupply.

Found a time for a nap.  For dinner we finished our sandwiches from last night.

Saturday night we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was call “Signora Volpe”.  We both liked the show and added it to our viewing list.

Sunday May 8, 2022:   HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY

Once again I get up at my default time of 0700.  Dress and headed to Biggby coffee for our morning brew.  Sunrise now is at 0625.  The sun was bright but the temp was a cool 39.  High today will be mid 60s.

Had my oatmeal breakfast and then Nancy opened some Mother’s Day presents.  We left for church at 0845.

Church was crowded today and Pastor Bob gave a great Homily.  After church we took a nice drive.  

Headed north to Cedar Springs and then west to Sparta before heading home.  The spring foliage was great.  Our normal Sunday drive is about 90 minutes.  Today was no exception.

1300 I headed out on a bike ride.  Today I pedaled 9.8 miles.  Very pleasant ride.

After showering I had lunch.  Also found time this afternoon for a nap.

All of the kids made contact with Nancy today.  She really appreciated talking with all three.  We also spoke with Granddaughter Alessandra. She has Covid and is slowly recovering.

We had a very light dinner.  Pineapple, toast with peanut butter and two cookies for dessert.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Better Call Saul”.  It had been a year since we had seen this show.  We still gave it a B-.

Light drizzle this evening.  When checked Courtyard before turning in it was clear and cool.  Tomorrow temperature will reach high 70s.

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