Thursday, May 12, 2022

May 11, 2022

 Wednesday May 11, 2022

Blog time 1110 sitting in Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday:  

Up at 0600.  Nancy changed bandage on my head.  I left home at 0630 for University Club downtown.  BC starts at 0700.  The temperature was 68, warmest morning of the year.

Busy day today for Bob and Nancy.  Nancy works at Gardens this afternoon.  I will do laundry, take out trash and miscellaneous chores.  Tonight we are attending an event at Meijer’s Gardens, the annual Spring Gala.

BC was lightly attended this morning which is a shame because we had a great speaker who explained the upcoming millage to renew funding for seniors.  Great Q&A session following talk.

Instead of going home after BC I headed to Woodland Mall.  I intended to get a coffee and do some reading before stores opened.  NO!  Stores don’t open until 1100.  I headed home, put on bike clothes and pedaled to Panera.

Got coffee and croissant and started reading.  Nancy stopped by on her way home from swimming. We sat and talked awhile. 

This and that:

The upcoming primary elections are beginning to dominant.

Inflation is not having a major impact on Bob and Nancy.

The Dems think the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on abortion will give them a campaign issue.  I sure hope not.

Total miles on bike today was 4.8.

At home I did load of laundry and gathered up the trash and recyclables.  My normal Wednesday PM chores.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy got home from Gardens at 1630.  She said they were busy.

At 1730 we headed to the Gardens for their Spring Great Garden Party.  The event started at 1800 and included the a full sit down dinner and an auction.  About 450 folks attended.  We got home at 2100.  At great evening.

No TV tonight.  Checked courtyard before bed.  It was still warm, high 60s.  


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