Wednesday, May 25, 2022

May 24, 2022

 Tuesday May 24, 2022

Blog time 1445 sitting in living room

Up at 0715, turn off alarm, unlock garage and check weather.  It was 48 but sunny.

Nancy left at 0800 for her class at MVP.  The name of the class was “Group Active”.

Once again I did all my calisthenics at home.  No Y today.  Oatmeal with banana following calisthenics.  

Put on my warm bike gear and headed to Panera, a distance of 5 miles.  Total miles bike today was 8.

Got coffee and baguette before settling down for my morning read.  Nothing in the news that I want to comment on.

At home I shaved and showered.  Dressed and made a trip to Meijer’s to get supplies.  During my recovery I will not be able to shop for at least 10 days.

I called the Doctor’s office to see if they had a time for my Thursday operation.   No reply.  Some anxiety has set in.

Light dinner tonight.  We watched a new British cop show.  I cannot remember the name which is just as well.  We gave the show a D.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.  Missy also called and we gave the same report.

Courtyard check before bed.  Dark and cool.  Rain tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May 23, 2022

 Monday May 23, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0715,  turned off alarm and unlocked garage.  It was a cold, 45, but sunny day.  

Nancy headed out at 0815 for her Monday swim at MVP.

I did all my calisthenics at home.  No Y today.  Oatmeal breakfast with banana.  Today I had to get out my warm weather bike clothes.  Despite being cold it was a great day for a ride.  First stop was Panera about 5 miles into the ride.

This morning I cashed in on my free bagel.  Read the Alpena News and Detroit News before finishing yesterday’s blog.

This and that:

Should I be worried about monkeypox?

President Biden make a good statement about defending Taiwan.

Cleanliness, cleanliness, cleanliness is the message I get from Surgeon before my operation.  They are paranoid about infections which is good.

No matter what! I will always address women as Ms, she or her! 

I see no current politician that I would endorse for President.

I am alway surprised at the number of grammar mistakes in the Alpena News.  Perhaps no money for proof readers.

The majority of working folks refuse to return to the office full time.  What is going to happen to all this vacant space?

I just glanced out the slider window and saw a lone deer looking at me.  Made my day!

I did find time this afternoon for a nap.

We had a light dinner tonight, coleslaw, toast and blueberries.  We did watch the evening news.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of “Marcella” on Netflix.  We gave the show a B.

Temperature in 50s when checked Courtyard before turning in.  When I make my evening check I make sure the cars and garage are locked.  Bad guys are still stealing catalytic converters.

Monday, May 23, 2022

May 22, 2022

 Sunday May 22, 2022

Blog time 1830 sitting in living room.

Slept in until 0715.  Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for morning coffee.  The sign on the door said Panera should be open but not the case.  Made a quick detour to Biggby coffee.

Brief account of day’s activities:

Oatmeal breakfast

Attended 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.

After church took tour of neighborhoods located east of downtown.

1230 left for Moleski’s.  The entire book club, Linda, Nancy, Mary, Connie and Tim were in attendance.  

We had turkey for our brunch along with grilled veggies and of course wine.

Got home at 1700.

It was a nice evening so took mile walk.

After the heavy brunch decided on skipping dinner.

Tonight we watched a show on Shakespeare and his home town of Stratford.  The show was narrated by John Nettles of Midsomer fame.  Good show.

FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy this evening.  Everything ok.

It was cool when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Temperature will drop to mid 40s tonight.  Frost warnings further north.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

May 20,2022

Friday May 20, 2022

Blog time 1500 sitting in living room

Slept in until 0715.  Nancy was already up and had her swimsuit on in preparation of her morning swim.

First thing I turned off alarm, unlocked garage door and checked front yard.  The sun was up and started warming up the area.  High temp today, 86.

I did all my calisthenics at home today at 50%.  Oatmeal breakfast and then pumped up bike tires and pedaled to Panera.  Read the Alpena and Detroit and finished yesterday’s blog before heading home.

Quick shower before starting afternoon activities:

Rearranged living room so more compatible with my needs following surgery.  

Trip to D&W for coleslaw.

Nancy brought up her summer clothes.

Today was first time on bike since Sunday, felt good.  Miles = 5

Noted for the past several years we have had more frequent high winds.  I have been told this is a sure sign of global warming.  

This afternoon I talked to Jennifer Dougherty to see if Missy could bring AJ to visit her farm to see animals especially the cattle.  Jennifer would be happy to have AJ visit.

We had a light dinner before watching news.  Tonight we watched the final season episode of “Slow Horses” on Apple +.  This show is about a rogue MI6 unit.  Good show.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.  Missy and AJ are visiting Debbie over the Memorial Day weekend.  Nancy and I are happy for these sibling get togethers. 

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The temperature was in 70s.  Rain possible for tomorrow.  Last year about this time I started seeing snakes in courtyard.  Not so far this year.

Friday, May 20, 2022

May 19, 2022

 Thursday May 19, 2022

Blog time 1000 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Unlock garage, back out Fusion and bring up garbage can.  Busy day today.  Have a 1400 appointment with Dermatologist.  This evening Nancy and I are attending the monthly Trinity Lutheran Senior’s dinner. At a north end Japanese restaurant.

Nancy left at 0800 for a class at MVP.  I did all my calisthenics at home (50%).  No aerobics.  Just before leaving Nancy looked out the slider and saw three deer grazing.  Do deer graze?

Kim arrived for cleaning today at 0915.  I told her I would be home but will stay out of her way.

Shaved and showered followed by oatmeal breakfast.  Kim was already cleaning. Drove to Panera for quick coffee and baguette.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News before finishing yesterdays blog and starting today’s.

This and that;

Covid just won’t go away.  I think we just have to live with it.

The GOP Pa primary is still not decided.  Both candidates are Trump supporters.  Too bad.

News of Ukraine has been pushed off front page and replaced by Johnny Depp.  Shows you the intelligence of the reporters.

I listen to the Business News channels.  They are continually interviewing financial experts on the economy.  No one agrees.  Most are empty suits.

Left home at 1330 for the Dermatologist.  He gave me a complete checkup and just had to freeze several precancerous spots.  Good news! Next appointment in 6 months.

Stopped at Bill and Paul’s Sporting Goods and bought several pair of thousand mile briefs.

We left home at 1630 for Fugi Sushi, a Japanese restaurant.  The over 60 group from Trinity are meeting for dinner.  Twenty five folks in attendance.  Several signees could not attend because of last minute Covid.  Our food was cooked on a large flat grill.  Our seat were located around the grill.  I ordered scallops and Nancy chicken.  The food especially the grilled vegetables were excellent.  We gave the dinner an A.

Got home from dinner about 1930.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Anatomy of a Scandal”.  Good show but dark.

Today both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed.  Debbie wanted to check on our health.  We gave a positive report.  Missy had a request.  On AJ’s summer break she wants her to have some experience with working farms.  She had contacted her cousin Jennifer in Johannesburg, Mi about visiting her farm.  Jennifer was in agreement.  I will contact my old employee Jennifer Dougherty to see if AJ can do some work at her farm.

Temperature was in 60s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow will be warm.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

May 18, 2022

 Wednesday May 18, 2022

Blog time 1050 sitting in Panera

Up at 0500, turned off alarm and unlocked garage door.  Headed back to bed.

Nancy got up at 0700.  Today is her swim day at MVP.

Temperature in 40s when Nancy left.  Light rain.

I slept in.  Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did calisthenics at 50% this morning.  Still have runny nose so no bike ride.

Took my pills and then headed out.  Stopped at D&W and bought mini-naan and Vernor’s ginger ale.  Next stop Panera.

At Panera bought oatmeal and bagel.  I am limiting my coffee intake so I only filled my cup halfway.  

I arrived at Panera at 0900 and the place was crowded with the morning breakfast crowd.  I had trouble finding a table.  This is good news that we are getting back to normal.

Got home at 1230 and Nancy had already left for her shift at Meijer Gardens.  Today she is giving her notice that she will no longer be available for work.  Nancy said 20 years is enough.  I agree.

Late lunch and then typical Wednesday chores.  

Load of laundry.

Took out trash.  

Found time for a short nap.  

Kim comes to clean tomorrow so I spent some time picking up my office area and the living room.  

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Culver’s.  Ordered frozen custard and sat in car devouring this treat.

Tonight we watched an show on BritBox whose name escapes me.  The show takes place in southern France.  The main character is a French judge who solves crimes that happen in his jurisdiction.  He is helped by his English girl friend.  We gave it an A.

FaceTimed Missy tonight.  She was shopping at Ralph’s.  Everything ok.

It had rained all day today.  When checked Courtyard before bed is was still drizzling.  No rain tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 17, 2022

 Tuesday May 17, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in downstairs office listening to Merle Haggard’s Greatest Hits.

Nancy got up at 0700 this morning.  She has an early class at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with our old neighbor Sonya.

Another bright sunny day.  Morning temperature was 45 but currently is 66.

I finally got up at 0800.  I had trouble sleeping because of hip pain.  At midnight I took two more Motrin and fell sound asleep.  

I am still under the weather.  Biggest problem is runny nose.  Decided to take it easy another day which includes no coffee or wine.  

I also feel chilled.  However, this might be genetic because my Dad when he was my age said he could never get warm. 

After my oatmeal breakfast I watched a 1 hour “Joint Replacement Patient Guide” on my iPad.  It was very informative.  After watching for 5 minutes I had to pause to get pencil and paper so I could take notes.  It was mostly about preventing infections.  Detailed instructions on taking a showers with a special soap.  Must take a shower the night before the operation using the special soap and on the following morning.  OVERKILL?

Maybe we are to hung up on cleanliness.  When I started grade school in the 40s we did not have a water heater. My mother heated several tea kettles to warm the bath water for my Saturday night bath.  I took one bath and changed my underwear once a week.  Today Social Services would take me away from my Parents.

My only venture outside the house was to get money at Macatawa Bank for Kim who cleans tomorrow and a trip to Meijer’s.  At Meijer’s I tried to buy the special soap for my pre-op shower but they were out of stock.  Bummer. (What the hell is wrong with Ivory soap).

Spent the afternoon reading and writing my monthly note to Grandkids.  This month’s note was very brief.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed French onion soup.  Very good.  

Several important primary elections today.  I am backing all anti-Trump candidates.

Is the news media losing interest in Ukraine?  The defeat of Putin is very important.  

The recent mass shootings by a single crazy zealot is terrible.  How about a maximum life in prison penalty or better yet the death penalty?  

Tonight we watched an episode of “Shakespeare and Hathaway”.  Not very good, I gave it a C.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok.  Rain starting tonight and continuing all day tomorrow.



Tuesday, May 17, 2022

May 16, 2022

 Monday May 16, 2022

Blog time 1300 sitting in living room.

The head cold I mentioned yesterday hid me hard last night.  I was continually blowing my nose.  Had difficult time sleeping.  I decided today I would take it easy.

Nancy was up at 0700.  Today is her swim day at MVP.  I stayed in bed until 0800.  Fixed oatmeal breakfast and headed back to bed.  I still have trouble getting warm.

Slept for an hour and then took a hot shower.  After dressing sat down in living room at my computer stand.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News before finishing yesterday’s blog.

Quick lunch.  After lunch I drove to Meijer’s to pick up prescription.  Also bought cookies, pudding, prune juice and ginger ale.  On way home I took a long route to get warm.  It worked.

Spent the rest of afternoon in den.  I filled out several pre- op questionnaires required before my surgery.  I was glad every thing was done on-line.  Tomorrow I will watch and 90 minute lecture on my hip surgery.

Light dinner tonight.  We watched some news before switching to Netflix.  We watched another episode of “Signora Volpe”.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything secure.  Beautiful bright full moon.  Temperature will drop to 40s tonight.

Monday, May 16, 2022

May 15, 2022

 Sunday May 15, 2022

Blog time 1200 on Monday sitting in living room.  Yes a day late.

The bright sun coming through the slider got us up at 0700.  Another sunny warm day ahead.

First thing I drove to Biggby to get our coffee.  I fixed an oatmeal breakfast with banana to go with coffee.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Large crowd at church.  Lately I have been timing Pastor Bob’s Homily.  They have all been slightly under ten minutes.

Today’s after church we drove East to Lowell.  Most of the drive was on gravel roads.  We passed several upscale subdivisions with nice large homes.  The interior subdivision roads were paved but the frontal roads gravel.  

Great day for a drive.  The ornamental fruit trees were in full bloom as were the hardwoods.  

At home changed into bike clothes and took a 10 mile ride.  I did see a deer but no turkeys or hawks.  

I got chilled on my ride.  I took a nice hot shower and jumped into bed to warm up.  It did not work.  

Bummer, I have developed a head cold.  My nose has been running continuously ever since.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed scrambled eggs with coleslaw and toast.  Good Sunday night meal.

Tonight AJ FaceTimed.  She gave a report on her activities in LA.  

Debbie also  FaceTimed this evening and we gave a positive report.  

Our only viewing tonight was an episode of “Lincoln Lawyer” on Netflix.

I did make a check of courtyard before bed everything secure.

May 14, 2022

 Saturday May 14, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room

Woke at 0700 to bright sun and temperature near 70.  High temperature today 82.

Left home at 0730 and headed to the “Gathering Place” for breakfast.   We had our standard Saturday morning breakfast.  The wait staff does not even give us a menu.  As usual the food was good.

Followed breakfast with a short drive.  Stopped at Panera so Nancy could get her free coffee.  No coffee for me.  My limit is now one cup a day.

At home Nancy starts the laundry.  I put on bike clothes and head out on a 10.4 mile ride.  Perfect day for a ride.  Bright sun and warm temps.  I even saw a deer and several turkeys.  The leaves are almost in full bloom.

Late afternoon trip to D&W for coleslaw, butter and naan.  We had the coleslaw for dinner along with fruit and toast.

Tonight we watched another episode of “New Tricks”.  Good show I think we are now in season 11.

Courtyard check before bed everything secure.  The bright full moon has a name that I cannot recall.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

May 13, 2022

 Friday May 13, 2022. Yes Friday the 13th,  the only one in 2022.

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Condensed version of blog follows:

Total calisthenics at home today no Y.

Sunny and warm when left today.  Temperature will reach high 80s.

For first time this year I wore my knickers.  Felt good.

Road bike to Panera.  Bike miles today = 10.5

At Panera I bought coffee and got my free bagel.  Read Alpena and Detroit news.  Left at 1130 for home.

This morning Nancy went swimming at MVP.  This afternoon she is attending her Book Club.

This afternoon I have a pre-surgery check up with Dr Kutsche.  I was surprised at how thorough the physical was.  I had an EKG, blood and urine tests, and a nose swab.  Spent over an hour in the Doctor’s office.  He said I was healthy enough for hip Surgery.

Today is Friday the 13th my time to buy lottery tickets.  Stopped at Meijer’s to make the purchase. 

For dinner I had cheerios with fruit.  Watched the news while eating.  Bottom line: prices are higher, war in Ukraine and covid is not letting up.  

Tonight FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy.  We raved about our warm weather and gave a positive report.

On Netflix we watched episode 1 of “Lincoln Lawyer”.  Good show rates an A.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Bright full moon which has a name that I cannot recall.

Friday, May 13, 2022

May 12, 2022

 Thursday May 12, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera.

Up at 0700.  First thing disarmed the alarm, unlocked garage door, and bought up trash can.  It was sunny and warm, 68.

Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP.  Later this afternoon we are attending a seminar at Porter Hills retirement community.  

I did the at home routine and then biked to the Y.

 Critter report:  saw 1 deer, 12 wild turkeys and a groundhog on my bike ride.

Once again the Y was nearly empty.  After the workout I pedaled to Panera.  Bought coffee and baguette before settling down to read the morning papers. I left at 1200amd Panera was crowded with lunch time crowd.  

At home I started some chores:

Drove the Escape to Meijer’s for gas.  The Fusion also needed gas so I drove to D&W for gas.  Next stop for the Fusion was the car wash.

At home I cleaned out the garage and gave it a good sweeping.  Swept up a lot of winter dirt and grime.

Final chore was a good shower at shave.

At 1530 we drove to the Porter Hills Retirement Community.  The temperature 90. This afternoon we listened to a lecture on why we need to move to Porter Hills.  It was a good lecture but they did not convince us.  

Porter Hills provided us with a package dinner to take home.  Each dinner included a chicken pot pie, a salad, roll and apple pie.  We ate the meal as soon as we got home.  Very good.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of Acorn’s “Signora Volpe”.  Good show.  I gave it an A-.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  It was hot the temperature was in mid 70s.  Turned on the AC.  First time this year.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

May 11, 2022

 Wednesday May 11, 2022

Blog time 1110 sitting in Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday:  

Up at 0600.  Nancy changed bandage on my head.  I left home at 0630 for University Club downtown.  BC starts at 0700.  The temperature was 68, warmest morning of the year.

Busy day today for Bob and Nancy.  Nancy works at Gardens this afternoon.  I will do laundry, take out trash and miscellaneous chores.  Tonight we are attending an event at Meijer’s Gardens, the annual Spring Gala.

BC was lightly attended this morning which is a shame because we had a great speaker who explained the upcoming millage to renew funding for seniors.  Great Q&A session following talk.

Instead of going home after BC I headed to Woodland Mall.  I intended to get a coffee and do some reading before stores opened.  NO!  Stores don’t open until 1100.  I headed home, put on bike clothes and pedaled to Panera.

Got coffee and croissant and started reading.  Nancy stopped by on her way home from swimming. We sat and talked awhile. 

This and that:

The upcoming primary elections are beginning to dominant.

Inflation is not having a major impact on Bob and Nancy.

The Dems think the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on abortion will give them a campaign issue.  I sure hope not.

Total miles on bike today was 4.8.

At home I did load of laundry and gathered up the trash and recyclables.  My normal Wednesday PM chores.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy got home from Gardens at 1630.  She said they were busy.

At 1730 we headed to the Gardens for their Spring Great Garden Party.  The event started at 1800 and included the a full sit down dinner and an auction.  About 450 folks attended.  We got home at 2100.  At great evening.

No TV tonight.  Checked courtyard before bed.  It was still warm, high 60s.  


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

May 10, 2022

 Tuesday May 10, 2022

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room.

Today’s activities:

Up at 0700, calisthenics, oatmeal and bike to Y.

The temperature was in 50s but should reach mid 80s later.

Normal routine at Y.  

Biked to Panera.  

Read emails, Alpena News and Mail on line before heading home.  Total bike miles today, 10.4

At home showered and shaved.  Today we are taking our annual trip to Country Greenhouse to purchase hanging flower baskets, flowers.  We bought 6 hanging baskets and 15 plants suitable for planting.

At home we put up the hanging baskets.  Temperature was in mid 80s and I worked up sweat.  While resetting a shelf holding gardening tools the shelf fell on my head creating big cut.  Shower required after our gardening efforts.  Nancy spent time cleaning my head wound.  It just would not stop bleeding.

For dinner I had my normal lunch.  Yogurt, cheese, apple and glass of mile.

We watched news until 0800.  Tonight we watched “Death in Paradise” on BritBox.  New season and pretty good.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature was 71.  Yes folks 71.  Warm weather continues through Sunday.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

May 9, 2022

 Monday May 9, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in living room.  Woke up at 0700 with the sun shining brightly through the slider glass.  This morning Nancy is going swimming at MVP.

I do my at home calisthenics before breakfast.  Left for the Y at 0850.  Temperature was in low 50s.  It was exactly 7 miles to the Y.  

The Y was not crowded this morning.  I did my normal routine before heading to Panera.  

When I bike in the mornings I take my mini-iPad because it is much lighter than the 13” iPad pro.  My shoulder hurts when I take the larger iPad.  I might have to switch to a one shoulder backpack.

At Panera I got a baguette and coffee.  Read the Alpena News and my email.  Left for home at 1230.  Total bike miles today, 11.2.

Shower and then quick lunch.  After lunch Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s for fruit and cereal.  We also stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond.  I was looking for a side sleeping pillow.  No luck.

Finished yesterday’s blog before a nap.  

Cheerios, pineapple and toast for dinner tonight.  We watched the NBC news and also Shepard Smith on CNBC. 

Tonight we watched an episode of “Anatomy of a Scandal”.  We give this show a B+.

It was cloudy and warm when checked Courtyard before bed.  Lately I have been seeing a stray cat in the Courtyard.  Not tonight.  Tomorrow the temperature will reach 80.  About time!

Monday, May 9, 2022

May 8, 2022

 Weekend update for May 7 and 8

Blog time 1900 on Sunday sitting in living room

Saturday:  May 7

Up at 0700 quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  

It was a beautiful sunny day.  High temp today will be mid 60s.

After breakfast we took a short ride.  Stopped at Nancy’s Physical Therapist to pay a bill.  Unfortunately the place was closed.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  She also helped me bring up the deck furniture.  We are now ready for sitting outside.

Later,  I hopped on my bike and took an 11 mile bike ride.  Great day for a ride.

After the ride I took a quick shave and shower.  I did make a trip to Meijer’s to resupply.

Found a time for a nap.  For dinner we finished our sandwiches from last night.

Saturday night we watched a new show on Acorn.  It was call “Signora Volpe”.  We both liked the show and added it to our viewing list.

Sunday May 8, 2022:   HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY

Once again I get up at my default time of 0700.  Dress and headed to Biggby coffee for our morning brew.  Sunrise now is at 0625.  The sun was bright but the temp was a cool 39.  High today will be mid 60s.

Had my oatmeal breakfast and then Nancy opened some Mother’s Day presents.  We left for church at 0845.

Church was crowded today and Pastor Bob gave a great Homily.  After church we took a nice drive.  

Headed north to Cedar Springs and then west to Sparta before heading home.  The spring foliage was great.  Our normal Sunday drive is about 90 minutes.  Today was no exception.

1300 I headed out on a bike ride.  Today I pedaled 9.8 miles.  Very pleasant ride.

After showering I had lunch.  Also found time this afternoon for a nap.

All of the kids made contact with Nancy today.  She really appreciated talking with all three.  We also spoke with Granddaughter Alessandra. She has Covid and is slowly recovering.

We had a very light dinner.  Pineapple, toast with peanut butter and two cookies for dessert.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Better Call Saul”.  It had been a year since we had seen this show.  We still gave it a B-.

Light drizzle this evening.  When checked Courtyard before turning in it was clear and cool.  Tomorrow temperature will reach high 70s.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

May 6, 2022

 Friday May 6, 2022

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Despite the fact I have been retired 14 years I am alway glad to see Friday.  I seem to run out of steam on Fridays from my M-F routine.  Chin-ups and pull-ups are especially difficult on Fridays.  Go figure.

I got up a 0700.  Stepped outside to unlock garage door.  It was raining with temperature in high 40s. No bike today.

Completed routine before Oatmeal breakfast.  I have to drive to Y so this is a good time to take a change of workout clothes.  

The parking lot was full but the area where I do my routine was empty.  Most folks must be attending classes.

Completed my normal routine and walked a mile.  Today I took a shower at the Y before heading to Panera.

Ordered baguette and coffee.  Started my mornin reading and finished yesterday’s blog.  Nancy stopped by and we talked a little.  Agreed we would have dinner at Schnitz’s Deli in Ada.

1230 and for the first time since 2019 Panera was full of lunch time patrons. Good news.

Drove to Carelinc and using my Doctor’s prescription I bought a walker for use after the hip surgery.

This and that:

The Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion will give the Dems new life in the 2022 midterm elections.  It appears that if you are an abortion proponent you cannot be friends with an anti.  Why?

The leaves are almost 100% out.

We are like our fathers.  My Dad’s biggest complaint at age 84 was that he could never get warm.  I have the same problem.  I see the majority of men wearing only tees on 50 degree days.  I usually have four layers.  My Grandfather wore long woolen underwear year round.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I left home at 1615 and drove to Ada.  The rain had finally stopped.  

We had dinner at Schnitz Deli.  Nancy had the roast beef sandwich and I had the club.  Fifteen minutes after arriving the place was filled.  Good timing.  The food is great.

Tonight we watched a movie on Prime.  It starred Tommy Lee Jones.  Very good.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  I noted a black and white cat in the yard.  Nice clear evening with the crescent moon bright in the sky.  Sun and temps in the 60s tomorrow.

Friday, May 6, 2022

May 5, 2022

 Thursday May 5, 2022

Blog time 1645 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  Did my morning routine.  It was sunny with temperature near 40.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her class at MVP.  Later today Nancy is taking Mary Namey to Orthopaedic Associates to have some minor back surgery.  The procedure will take two hours so Nancy plans on finishing a book.

Most mornings I put my big iPad Pro in my backpack and head to the Y.  However, lately the weight of the iPad and backpack is causing pain in my right shoulder.  Today I took my mini-iPad with a sling backpack.  It made a big difference.

Y was crowded but no delays in getting my routine completed, usually takes 35 minutes.  Put bike clothes back on and headed to Panera.  Left Panera at 1130.  Total bike miles today, 9.5.  

Today we have a scheduled 1300 maintenance check on our AC.  At home took a quick shave and shower.  The maintenance man arrived at exactly 1300.  Filters were changed and AC cleaned and oiled.  Total cost $25 for a filter.

I did take a quick nap this afternoon.  After I continued reading. 

Today I called Carelinc and ordered a 4 wheeled walker.  I need the walker during the recovery from hip surgery.  I will pick up tomorrow.

Nancy lately has been buying black grapes.  They are huge and sweet.  I snack all afternoon.  No wonder I have not lost weight.

Light dinner of coleslaw, pineapple, and toast.  After the dishes I watched the news.  

Tonight as we were starting to watch some streaming TV,  Nancy’s friend Kathy called from Indianapolis.  They talked for over two hours. No TV tonight. I read today’s Grand Rapids Press paper edition and the WSJ while Nancy was on phone.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature was in 40s.  Rain predicted for later tonight and most of tomorrow.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

May 4, 2022

 Tuesday May 4, 2022,  or as some folks would say today is “Star Wars Day”.  May the 4 be with you, get it!

Up this morning at 0645.  I spent a restless night.  My hip pain required an extra dose of Motrin.  

I figured out why the pain. I carried a 30# packet of bottles from the car to basement.  Hip won’t take even light loads.

Nancy left at 0800 for her swim at MVP.

Today is my easy day.  I did all my calisthenics at home, 50%.  Will have breakfast at Panera.  Put on bike clothes and rode 6 miles to Panera.  It was sunny and 46, but wind was strong.

At Panera I had oatmeal with croissant.  Nice and tasty.  Just finished breakfast when Nancy walked in.  We sat and talked.

The Detroit News reported that a Grand Rapids Democrat had easily won a Mi house seat that was normally a safe GOP seat.  The GOP candidate was extreme right wing whose comments on rape, etc turned off everyone.  Even the GOP did not endorse him.  The GOP is self destructing.

Lately I have been getting most of my MI news from Detroit News.  The paper is at the top of morning reading list.  The Grand Rapids Press is useless.

After finishing blogs, email and morning papers I headed home.  Total miles on bike today was 9.5.  Hope when it warms up to increase to 11.

Kim was just finishing cleaning when I got home.  Nancy left at 1230 for her afternoon shift at Meijer Gardens.

Showered before light lunch.   This afternoon if completed my normal Wednesday tasks:




Nancy got home at 1730.  She said the gardens was busy.

I made a quick trip to D&W to get coleslaw and mini-naan for dinner.  Very light dinner tonight.

Watched the news before switching to Acorn.  We watched two episodes of “Agatha Raisin”.  I think this was the season ending shows.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  She was asking about a package we sent.  Checked the tracking data and found it was in the process of being delivered.  

Missy was worried about AJs lack of interest in school.  We tried to be encouraging.

Checked the Courtyard just before bed.  Temp was still 50.  Nice bright Crescent moon tonight.