Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Monday January 30, 2017

Blog time 1045, sitting by fireplace at Panera

It was cold last night with temps in mid teens. Just a dusting of snow overnight.

Nancy headed out early for her exercise class at MVP. I decided to do all my routine at home. It is too cold to walk the two miles to the Y.

The double vision still persists.

After breakfast I walked to Panera.

The London papers have articles on Trump's immigration EO. The papers all say the President should not be invited to visit the UK.

I think the refugee crisis would not be as bad as it is if the EU and USA had taken action like a no fly ban in Syria. But no one listens to me and why should they. After all, I believe in the draft to fill our Army's rank. I also believe that most of our military intervention overseas starting with Vietnam were not in the best interest of the USA.

Speaking of Syria the Daily Mail in an article this morning said that Assad of Syria recently had a stroke. Should I believe a story in the Daily Mail?

Russia is actively working on expanding its activities in the Arctic region. The Arctic is suppose to have a huge reservoir of hydrocarbons. Also as global warming continues year round use of the polar route by ships is possible. The northern passage is much shorter than the Suez Canal. I have never heard the USA's position on this buildup.

I got a text message from my optometrist saying my glasses are ready. Because of my double vision I had a pair of glasses modified. The left lens is for distance and the right is just clear glass. I do not need correction for reading. I hope that when driving my left eye will be the dominate eye and when reading the right eye takes over.

After I got the message I called Nancy and she picked me up at Panera. I wore the glasses this afternoon with mixed results.

Took Ms P on a long walk. With snow on the ground I noted a lot of large deer tracks

Quick lunch. Our winter property taxes are due next week. I walked over to the Township office and delivered our check.

Spent several hours in my office reading and contacting tech support at the web site My Heritage. I hate talking to tech support. I was on hold for 30 minutes. However, once I got in the nice folks answered all my questions.

Light dinner tonight. We watched the news and it is now 0800 and we are watching Paranoid on Netflix. We liked the first episode so we are watching the second.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday January 29, 2017

Blog time: 1720, sitting in office

Nice to see winter return. The temperature all day as been in the high 20s. Snow started this afternoon and we now have a nice blanket of snow.

We both were up at 0630. Nancy decided that she would forego swimming one more day to make sure the surgery is totally healed. I agree.

This morning she removed the bandage and I think the surgeon did a great job. The scar is almost invisible.

We decided on the 0900 church service. Good attendance for a cold winters day.

After church we headed to Meijer's for some supplies. Trader Joe's and Fresh Tyme have cut into our purchases at Meijer's. Filled up the Escape and gas was $2.22 per gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I bought a Fresh Baguette at Panera so I had several pieces.

Took Ms P on a walk around the block. Some folks put a jacket on their dogs when going outside. The only time I will use a jacket is if the temp is below 20.

I took some time today to read yesterday's WSJ and the headlines in today's London papers. President Trump's banning the entry of citizens of some Muslim countries is getting universal bad press. One paper called him Uncle Scram. We have lost the high moral ground with this action.

I did take a short nap this afternoon.

I am looking for an eyepatch that I can put over my glasses. Walked to Walgreens to see what they had. They had nothing.

Tonight Nancy is fixing clam chowder for dinner. I will also eat more of the baguette.

We will watch 60 Minutes, finish reading the GRP and then a Netflix show before turning in.

Saturday January 28, 2017

Blog time: 1710 sitting in office.

Happy Birthday Melissa. Today is our daughter Melissa's birthday.

I remember the birth clearly. We were living in Ann Arbor where I was in Graduate School.

It was early Sunday morning when Nancy said it is time. It was a cold blustery day, not unlike today. Nancy grabbed her bag and we headed out to St Joseph Hospital. It was snowing and the windshield wipers in our VW Bug were not working. I had to stop the VW periodically to clean the windshield.

Nancy told me to forget the window wipers just get her to the hospital. We were met at the emergency entrance by two nurses who hustled Nancy up to Maternity. I parked the car and headed upstairs to the Delivery Room. As soon as I walked in the Doctor came out and said it was a girl.

I spent some time with Nancy and then headed home. I told Nana, Nancy's mother, and Debbie that we had an addition to the family. It was a happy day in the Scott house.

This morning Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. We walked into a 20 mph wind making the wind chill in the mid teens. Not very pleasant.

Panera was not crowded. I had the oatmeal with sourdough toast and Nancy had a bagel. With the wind at our back the walk home was tolerable.

Nancy had needed to visit Kohl's so she dropped me off at Woodland Mall. Sears is closing so I checked out their stock. Not much that I needed but if I was still working I might have bought some work clothes.

My only purchase was a shot glass at the Michigan store, Michigan the State not the U, and an iPad stylus at Brookstone.

We also stopped at the Lighting Center and bought several replacement bulbs.

Took Ms P on a short walk, 0.8 mi. It was just to cold for a longer walk.

Put in a new bulb in our hallway chandelier. The glass enclosure was dirty so I tried to clean it. Bad move, I broke the glass. Spent about a hour picking up broken glass.

Quick lunch and then took a short nap.

No time to read the papers today.

We FaceTimed Melissa and wished her a Happy Birthday.

For dinner we drove to JT's Pizza. We split a ham/pineapple pizza.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.

On a happy note, I was rummaging through some old letters that I wrote while in the Navy. Found two letters written on this date.

January 28, 1962, Ensign Scott wrote his mother from Midway Island. I told Mom of my job and like most junior officers I complained of my seniors. I also mentioned that a recent war scare was over. I really can not recall of a war scare in early 1962. I was sending Mom a check. The Navy paid us in cash. There was a branch of the Bank of Hawaii on Midway. I would make a deposit and then send a check home. I saved money on Midway because there was no place to spend it.

January 28, 1963, I was writing Mom from Coronado, CA. I had just completed a survival school. The 28th was a Monday and I expected to fly to San Francisco later that day. On Friday I was scheduled to fly to Vietnam.

I never imagined that on January 28, 1963 that five years later I would become a father. Best decision of my life was to marry Nancy and start a family.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Friday January 27, 2017

Blog time 1130, sitting at Panera.

It's Back! Winter returned last night. Temps got below 32. It was 29, snowing lightly and windy when I left for my walk to the Y.

The walk was unpleasant because I walked into the teeth of a 20 mph wind. I experience pain in my left eye walking into the wind on these cold days. The left eye was the eye I had Shingles in.

Nancy left early because she had to get to St Mary's Hospital before 0830. She is getting a shot in her foot. I think the shot inserts a tracking fluid in her foot. Nancy returns this afternoon for a bone scan. Nancy has been having pain in her foot probably caused by a damaged nerve. The bone scan will determine if she might have a hair line fracture.

Winter wildlife update: the geese are gone from the big pond near our condo. I still see geese but not on the pond.

Late afternoons we have noticed five deer in our backyard. First time we have sighted deer since late summer.

The birds have abandoned our feeder. Where have they gone?

This morning I noticed a muskrat swimming in the above mentioned pond.

Not much hard news in the London papers this morning. The Daily Mail did have some interesting trashy stories.

Why politicians hate papers. UK PM May is visiting the USA. She has a head cold so the Telegraph ran a photo showing the PM experiencing post nasal drip. Poor taste!

The President and Mexico's President are involved in a silly spat. Just sit down and talk guys.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her daily walk. We altered our walk to avoid walking into the wind. During the thaw all of the ponds in our area lost their ice cover. Noted today that a thin skim of ice is developing on all ponds.

Nancy had her bone scan this afternoon. She said the entire process was painless.

I fell asleep again in my easy chair. Nancy woke me up and said take a nap. Once again I complied.

I ironed several pair of khakis. Also put suspender buttons on a pair of khakis. I use Bachelor Buttons.

I think I have finally gotten my digital subscription to ENR straightened out.

Nancy is fixing chicken and rice for dinner. Sounds good.

The double vision continues. I will give the steroid pills one more week. I miss driving.
We watched Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn. It is a NZ show. We liked it.

Snow predicted for tonight. Temps will remain in mid 20s. I am looking forward to the return to winter.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thursday January 26, 2017

Blog time 1045 sitting at Panera drinking coffee

Walked out this morning and was hit in the face by a snow/rain mix. The temperature was 33 and wind speed near 20 mph. I did not look forward to walking nearly two miles to the Y.

I did my entire routine at home. Had breakfast and then walked to Panera. Tonight the temperature will finally get below freezing. We have had a very long January thaw.

For the first time in my life I am being to think January in a warm clime is not all bad. Maybe next year.

Observations from Panera: why would anyone want to put anything into a cup of coffee. Real coffee drinkers drink their brew black. However, I have noted that the majority of folks at Panera add some disgusting products to their morning coffee. Milk, half and half and skim milk are the most popular. Panera also sets out squeeze bottles of honey and a lot of folks put it in the brew. Ugg!

As I have mentioned many times I enjoy reading the headlines in the UK papers, the Telegraph and Mail. The Mail is especially fun to read because of their trashy stories. The Telegraph is more serious.

This morning the Mail published a memo that Piers Morgan wrote to PM May. He outlined how the PM should deal with our weird POTUS. It is very good and I recommend it.

Does anybody under the age of 50 know what a telegraph is or Morse Code? A lot of my childhood friends learned Morse code.

I love my Logitech keyboard for my iPad. It is great. The best class I had in high school was typing. I have used it every day since I bought my first computer in 1983. I should mention the only D I got in HS was in typing.

I read most of the WSJ but found no article I want to comment on. Our President seems to be sucking all the oxygen out of the news.

As soon as I got home we all got in the Escape and drove to Costco. We replenished our bread, peanut butter and cheerios supply. I also bought a year's supply of razor blades. Costco was not busy.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on a short walk. I had just started reading the GRP when I fell asleep. Nancy woke me and said take a nap. I complied.

For dinner we drove to Shepard's Grill. I like this place maybe because most of the customers get social security. I had the lake perch sandwich and Nancy had a bowl of navy bean soup.

Nancy visited the dentist this morning and was told she needs a crown. We seem to be slowly falling apart.

Tonight will be a Netflix/Acorn viewing evening.
The temperature tonight will be below 32, finally. I did my 30 minutes outside today, did you?

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday January 25, 2017

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday. I slept in until 0700. Nancy is still forgoing exercise until the surgery heals.

The temperature last night still was above freezing. The weather folks say it will snow today but the temperature will be in the high 30s, go figure.

Walked to Panera and had an oatmeal breakfast. I took my steroid pill. Could I pass a sports drug test? The double vision still persists.

Read the headlines in the London papers. The UK is fascinated with President Trump and all his weird actions. I like the way PM May is handling BRexit. She is trying to talk Scotland out of another vote to leave the UK. I could never figure out why a tiny country like Scotland would want to leave? The Scots sometimes pursue self destructive actions. Maybe that is why my relatives left.

Panera seems to be a place where business is conducted. A lot of job interviews are held here. I know that because I am a first class eavesdropper.

A young lady wearing USAF camouflage uniform came in for coffee. I was curious as to her rank. She had an impressive patch. I asked her and she said she was a technical sergeant, E6. E6 is a first class Petty Officer in the Navy. E6 is a senior enlisted rank.

I asked about the camo uniform and she said it was the standard uniform. The USAF does not wear the blues or khaki of my generation. I think the Army has the same policy. I do not like a camouflage uniform. It looks sloppy.

Since I talked to the Sargent two more old guys asked her about her uniform and rank.

Light rain on my walk home. This morning Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop.

Before lunch I started a load of laundry, took out the trash and finished reading the papers.

I totally disagree with President Trump's order to build the wall along the Mexican border. I also think hiring 15,000 more Border Patrol is not cost effective. The last thing we need are more Federal employees. The most ineffective government employees.

The Beauty shop called at 1400 and said Ms P's work was done. I drove with Nancy to pick her up. They did a great job.

Continued calling tech support to get my subscription to ENR up and running. I talked to five different technicians. Not my department is the standard answer.

It is now 2000, time for Bob and Nancy to have their evening cheese snack. Tonight will be a streaming evening.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday January 24, 2017

Blog time 1145 sitting at Panera.

Got up at 0500, wide awake but too early so I decided to put my head down for an hour. Two hours later I woke up.

Nancy has a morning appointment with our Optometrist. She wants to get a cataract removed. Lots of luck!

I had a quick breakfast, took my steroid pill before heading out. It was damp but mild, high 30s. Dry pavement makes the walk pleasant.

The Y was crowded especially the running track. Today I did the routine at 70%. I still have double vision.

The London papers pushed the unpredictable Trump to the back pages. The decision by the UK Supreme Court to require a legislative vote on BRexit was top story. PM May will visit the USA later this week. I think USA and UK need each other.

What is the matter with the President. He won the election so leave it along. The big stink over the size of the crowd at the Inaugural is not important. President Trump should have spent some time in the Military.

I do agree with the President's action on the proposed petroleum pipe lines. We need cheap energy if we want to manufacture in the USA.

It was a pleasant walk home with temp in the low 40s. Got home grabbed Ms P and continued walking.

Since I have been retired, eight years, this January has been the mildest. I don't think the temp has been below 32 in the past two weeks. I just checked the daily averages for January. The average high is never above 32. The daily average low is in the teens.

Nancy said the eye doctor said she is not ready for cataract surgery. Instead she is getting some glasses for driving.

Spent some time in the office this afternoon doing chores. Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy fixed meat loaf for dinner. It was great.

Read the GRP and watched the news before watching NCIS and Bull on CBS.

Monday January 23, 2017

Blog time: 1130, sitting by the fireplace at Panera.

Another mild, wet day, temperatures in low 40s.

Normal January weather will return Thursday.

Nancy ended her convalescence from the face surgery today. She headed out early to MVP. Classmates at MVP said she should have stayed home until the stitches dissolve.

After breakfast I put on my raincoat and headed to the Y.

It appears the New Year's resolution folk are still following their MWF exercise routine. I expect this will end right after Valentines Day.

Folks on Morning Joe said President Trump had a terrible weekend. CNBC and Bloomberg hardly mentioned the weekend.

Left Panera early because the garage door opener tech is coming to check out our unit. Our remotes have been working only intermittently. First thing the tech noted was the wire antenna was hung up on the unit and not exposed as it should be. He then check both remotes. Only one was defective. I bought a new remote. After some thought I think that I am responsible for the antenna problem. I did not properly place it after changing the light bulb in the unit.

Took Ms P on her walk. We have had snow free pavements for the past week. It makes walking easy.

Lunch and then I headed down to my office. I spent over an hour call tech support folks at Direct TV and Engineering New Record. I had a major problem getting a real person at Direct TV. When I finally got one they said to go online because they could not help me.

Took a short nap followed by a light dinner. We watched a New Zealand detective show on Acorn before turning in.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Sunday January 22, 2017

Sunday January 22nd:

Sitting watching Sneaky Pete on Amazon, it is 2145.

Because of Nancy's recent surgery she cannot go swimming for a week. Accordingly, we changed our Sunday plans.

Headed out to Trinity Lutheran for their 0900 service. First time we attended this service. We drove through some heavy fog.

After church we head to Meijer's. Bought some supplies and then filled the Taurus up. Gas today was $2.26 per gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After breakfast took Ms P on her walk. The fog was still very heavy.

Read a few sections of the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.

Finished the afternoon with a three mile walk.

I talked this afternoon with my childhood friend Tommy Collins. Tommy now lives in San Clemente, CA. He has lived in CA since the late 50s. Always great to rehash memories of growing up in Alpena, MI.

For dinner Nancy fixed black bean soup and a burger. It was good.

One of the side effects of the steroid pill I am taking is the swelling of the tongue. I have difficulty swallowing so I really chew my food, which is good. I also have difficulty talking. After several minutes I start slurring my words, so I stop. Some folks would say limited talking by RHS is good.

Despite bad January weather I hope everyone is getting 30' outside every day. I have!

Saturday January 21, 2017

Blog time 1400: sitting in office writing this blog.

Slept in until 0700 this morning. It was foggy but mild, 40 this morning.

We walked to Panera for our standard Saturday breakfast. Panera was empty of old folks. They are in warmer climes. Actually it is warmer in GR now than LA. 1400 temp was 60.

As soon as we got home I took Ms P on her walk and Nancy headed out to run errands.

Dropped Ms P off and headed out to walk to the Library. On my way I stopped at the bank to get some cash. Next stop was D&W to buy stamps and a birthday gift.

I decided that I did not want to go to Library so took a leisurely walk home. My phone said I walked 5.7 miles and 13,100 steps. Enough exercise for the day.

The sun is shining bright for the first time in ages. Did you know we have gained 35 minutes of daylight since Dec 21?

Speaking of hours of daylight I was just going through some Navy junk and I found on this date Midway has 10h32' of daylight vs 9h35' for GR.

I also found a letter I wrote my Dad on this date. I seldom wrote my Dad but I checked the letter and found that I was asking for some engineering advice. One of my duties on Midway was Transportation Officer. I was in charge of maintaining all mobile equipment. This included construction equipment, trucks including refuse trucks, and all sorts of aircraft support equipment. Dad sent me some great reference manuals.

We had an early dinner at Houlihan's. Houlihan's was not very busy. I like this restaurant but they should turn the lights on. It is very dark.

FaceTimed with Debbie this evening. San Jose is having a lot of rain. I think the drought in CA is over.

We watched Sneaky Pete on Amazon and then Rebus on Acorn.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Friday January 20, 2017

Blog time 1030 at Panera;

Yes folks today is Inauguration Day. Like it or not Donald Trump is now our POTUS. We should all wish him well.

Got up at 0630 and checked for rain when I took Ms P out. It was raining but not hard. The weather folks said it would rain all morning. I decided to do calisthenics and row at home.

Nancy's Doctor told her no activity for several days, so no MVP for her.

After a shower and shave, I had a quick breakfast which now includes my steroid pill.

Kim arrived to clean the house as I was leaving for Panera.

Encountered just a light rain on my walk to Panera.

Drank my coffee and read the papers. The Inauguration dominated the news.

The rain had stopped so the walk home was pleasant. As soon as I got home took Ms P on her walk. She enjoys this mild weather.

Nancy ran errands this afternoon and I took a nap.

At 1730 we drove to Moleski's for dinner. Tim Mask was also in attendance. We had a great meal and pleasant evening talking. We avoided talking politics.

Left Moleski's at 2100. Watched a show on Netflix before turning in.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Thursday January 19, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera.

Nancy set an early morning alarm. She has an appointment with a plastic surgeon to repair a skin cancer on her face. I gave her a good luck kiss.

This morning I started taking a steroid pill, hopefully to correct my double vision. Walked to the Y. Performed my routine at 50%. I also declared that my cold is over.

Lately, the first thing I read at Panera are the headlines in the London papers. I like the English view of the USA political scene. I also like reading how PM May is handling the BRexit. She seem an astute politician.

Our mild gloomy weather continues. It is now noon with temp at 38.

The confirmation hearings for Trump appointees is getting full coverage. How many folks really care?

Tomorrow is PE Trump's swearing in. This will be my fifteenth since I have been of voting age. I don't think I have watched any of the ceremonies.

As soon as I got home took Ms P on her walk. Nancy's surgery went fine but she is tired. In fact she laid down and took a nap.

Nancy's friend Kathi brought over dinner for us tonight. Kathi is a good friend.

The garage door man called and rescheduled. He is coming Monday afternoon.

We had Kathi's meal for dinner, chicken breast and a cooked spinach dish. Very good.

We watched the news and read the GRP before switching to Amazon/Acorn.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Wednesday January 18, 2017

Started Blog on the 17th at 2135, checking out my new Logitech keyboard. It works great.

Blog time 0930, Wednesday January 18:

I spent a restless night and left bed at 0545. Today I will start new medication to eliminate my double vision and muscle pain, I hope.

Today was Breakfast Club Wednesday but it was foggy and misting outside so I didn't want to try driving with my current eye problems. The Doc yesterday said I could drive but be careful. I will cover one eye to eliminate the double vision.

Nancy headed to MVP for a fitness class. I walked to Panera and had my standard oatmeal breakfast.

The weather folks say we will experience a January thaw for the next week. Temps will be above freezing. Temps on Saturday and Sunday will be in the 50s. I hate this weather. It is bone chilling damp with no sun. I would prefer normal winter temperatures below freezing, hopefully with sun.

I don't agree with the President when he let Pvt Manning, the leaker of military files, get out of jail this Spring. He was a traitor.

The boycott of Trump's Inauguration by Democratic Legislators is not good for the healing process. The election is over and now is the time to come together. This bitterness is not good for anyone.

Nancy is working at the Meijer's Garden this afternoon. I doubt that they will be very busy with the lousy weather.

Took Ms P on her walk, took out the trash, lunch followed by a nap. The Doctors office called this afternoon and said my blood tests came back normal. Tomorrow I will start taking the steroids. I hope they can help the double vision.

Before going on our trip to CA, I put some gift cards in a safe place. Unfortunately I had trouble remembering my secret hiding place. I returned to the place I thought I stashed them and after an hour I found them in a wallet I had previously searched. Getting old sucks!

We had a light dinner followed by the NBC and PBS news. It is now 2100 and we are watching a British mystery on Acorn. It stars Colin Firth. Very good but depressing.

We are now watching Sneaky Pete on Amazon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday January 17, 2017

Blog time 0745 at Panera:

Note the early time for starting the blog. Today I have an 1100 Doctor's appointment so no time for normal morning activities. It was pouring rain so I did not want to walk to Panera.

Nancy has an early morning swim. She dropped me off at Panera.

I hope today's visit to the Doctor result in a solution for my double vision. I have also had some swallowing issues. I hope it is not the myasthenia gravis returning. On a happier note my cold is better.

Stay tuned for an afternoon health report. I am beginning to sound like an old man. No whining Bob!

Blog resumes at 1700.

After her swim Nancy stopped by Panera for a bagel and coffee.

It was still raining when we left Panera for home. If fact it rained all day with temps in the mid 30s.

We left home at 1000 for the Doctor's office. The nurse invited Nancy to sit in on the examination. It was a great move.

The Doctor gave me a good checkup. He not only checked out the double vision but also my problem swallowing. Nancy asked some good pointed questions that the Doctor answered to our satisfaction.

Bottom line it looks the eye problems and trouble swallowing are myasthenia gravis related.

Of the options I was given I decided on the low dose steroid option. Before starting the steroids the Doc wanted to make sure that I did not have some other problem. He ordered a blood test. After the visit we drove directly to the Lab. Results should be available tomorrow. If all clear he will call and I will start taking one pill a day. Stay tuned!

Nancy dropped me off at home and then drove to the Ford dealer for a six month's service.

I had lunch and then took a short nap.

PE Trump still dominates the USA and World news. He has everyone confused as to what he will do. I think most Americans are also confused. I just wish the nation decides to work together.

Nancy is fixing a chicken breast with sweet potato for dinner. Sounds good.

Will read the GRP and watch NCIS before turning in.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday January 16, 2017

Blog time 1215 sitting at my desk in office.

I have found an upside to my sleep apnea mask, it helps me breath when I have a head cold with a running nose.

I promised Nancy that I would sleep in but I was wide awake at 0600.

No aerobics today but I did the calisthenics at 50%.

Breakfast and then the short walk to Panera. Spent most of my time catching up on the blog.

Nancy called about 1000 and said the roads were icy. I left immediately. The walks were just getting slippery.

I walked to the condo and told Nancy I was in for the day. However, this pledge was short lived because Meijer's called and said my prescription for nose spray was ready. I need the nose spray to control my runny nose.

I did a load of laundry and spent some time cleaning my desk. Quick lunch and then a short nap.

Nancy had a Doctors appointment this afternoon. She is got a shot in her foot for pain relief.

I spent some time reading the WSJ. Will PE Trump ever get enough discipline to control his impulsive Twitter messages? Most politicians I know have developed the hide of an alligator. Insults just roll off their backs. He should develop the philosophy of "kill them with kindness".

It has rained most of the day, slick pavements are predicted for tomorrow morning.

Light dinner tonight and then some Netflix/Acorn/Amazon watching.

Sunday January 15, 2015

Blog time Sunday January 15, 2017 at 1725

Happy Birthday Debbie. I remember her birth clearly. It was Friday the 14th about 1700 when I drove Nancy to Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City, CA.

As soon as Nancy got settled in I headed to an all night grocery to cash a check to pay for the delivery. I think the birth cost was about $100. I stayed with Nancy right until she was taken to the delivery room. In 1966 fathers had to wait in the waiting room. Debbie was born right after midnight. Nancy's first words were "she is a cute little girl". I remember the next morning I snuck in a chocolate covered donut for Nancy. She still comments on the delicious donut. Thus began my adventure as a father. It is a great experience.

We are still settling in from our short trip today CA. The following is a brief update.

Wednesday January 11, we were going to make this an easy day. Nancy woke me at 0600 and said "what is that hissing noice. I got up and when I looked in the guest bathroom water was shooting out of the tub area. I tried to find the cause but got soaked. Hustled downstairs and shut off all water to the house. Downstairs in the bath, water was flowing through the light fixtures and ceiling tile. We grabbed buckets and towels and started mopping up.

Initially I thought a line had ruptured behind a wall. I pictured extensive repairs and a stay at a motel.

Called McDonald Plumbing and they said a repair man would be over at 1000.

We drove to Panera for breakfast and a chance to use their bathroom.

The repairman arrived at 1000 and soon found the cause, a broken supply line. The line was exposed and took about 20 minutes to repair. We lucked out. If the break had happened while we were in CA the damage would have been massive. Next time we leave on a trip we will shut off water to the condo.

The double vision continues so I stayed home all day. Nancy did go to Book Club.

Thursday January 12: Rain/snow mix last night. Many schools closed because of ice.

I did walk to the Y. Took it easy, did the routine at 50%. Nancy went swimming at MVP.

Spent time at Panera reading the papers. I am getting tired reading about Russian hacking. The news media thinks we should take the word of the CIA as gospel. My experience is that they are borderline competent.

We made a paper supply trip to Costco.

The weather was cold and gloomy all day.

Ms P was dropped off today.

We had dinner at Shepard's Grill. Nancy had the soup and I had a lake perch sandwich.

Friday the 13th. Walked to the Y. Today I did the routine at 60%.

Stopped at Panera and read the papers. My double vision makes reading difficult. If I close one eye I can read. I bought an eye patch in CA and it works but I always forget it.

Took Ms P on her walk. She enjoyed the walk because the pavement was dry.

Nancy drove me to Woodland Mall. I bought a keyboard at the Apple Store. Meanwhile Nancy stopped at Kohls to make a return and then returned to the mall to pick me up.

Our last stop was Trader Joe's. Bought wine, $2 chuck, soup and tamales.

Quiet dinner at home, hot dogs, followed by some Netflix.

Saturday the 14th: back to normal, we walked to Panera for breakfast. The place was empty. Everyone must be in warmer climes.

Nancy did some laundry and I walked to Cascade Library to read the papers.

Walked Ms P and had a quick lunch before a nap.

Nancy said that the chili she made for dinner smelled bad. She thought maybe some bad meat.

We had dinner at LaLaguna at local restaurant not far from the condo. Good food at reasonable prices.

Watched some football. Nancy turned in early so I watched a French language show on Netflix. I don't mind the subtitles.

Sunday the 15th: Up at 0645 and get ready for the Y. Nancy went swimming and I did some calisthenics. In addition to my double vision I have developed a head cold so I am cutting back on exercise.

Stopped at home to drop off gym clothes and then headed to Trinity Lutheran for the 1000 service.

After church we stopped at Meijer's for supplies and gas. Gas was $2.41 a gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine with a waffle.

Took Ms P on her walk. Great day for a walk. Almost Springlike.

Nap and then watched some football. Go Packers.

FaceTimed our birthday daughter, Debbie.

My cold continues unabated along with the double vision. I hope at Tuesday's appointment the Doctor can offer solutions to the double vision.

Nancy fixed a hamburger and soup for dinner.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Tuesday January 10, 2017

Blog time 1730 Wednesday the 11th at home

We are back from our trip to southern CA.

I developed double vision on Thursday the 5th right after landing at LAX.

I am wearing an eyepatch but typing is still a challenge. This blog will be brief.

Thursday the 5th, we set alarm for 0500. The taxi arrived at 0600. The airport was busy but no problems until we got on plane. Extremely cold weather required the water in plane be drained. We had to wait until the water was replaced and the plane deiced. We were late getting into Chicago. Hustled to make our plane to LA.

I think United goes out of their way to make folks in Economy uncomfortable.

We did have a good experience getting our rental car from Hertz. No waiting, no hassle.

I drove to the Hampton Inn in Carson. We like this Hampton Inn because of its great location.

I noted my double vision on the drive to Carson. Nancy drove for the rest of the trip.

Missy stopped by to pick up AJ after she got out of work. We all had a quick bite at Panera in Carson.

Friday morning I was up early 0600 and headed downstairs for Hampton's complimentary breakfast. They have great oatmeal.

I took a 3 mile walk and then Nancy drove me to Belmont Shores neighborhood in Long Beach. I was to meet Steve for lunch, a father/son affair. We had mixed signals because Steve invited his family. I called Nancy to join us. We had a nice meal with Steve's family.

After lunch Nancy and I just hung out. We bought some wine and cheese and had a light meal at the hotel.

Saturday and we visited several shopping areas. Missy and AJ drove down and we had dinner at the Olive Garden. The place was crowded so we waited outside. The temp was near 70. Very pleasant.

Sunday up early because today we are driving to Irving to see Grandson Lucas play soccer. The game started at 0800. Lucas's team won. The win meant that they had another game at 1300.

We all had breakfast at a local cafe. We also visited a farmers market held in the park. The afternoon game was for the championship. Unfortunately Lucas's team lost.

We took it easy the rest of the day.

Monday it rained last night in fact we encountered rain all during our stay in CA but it did not interfere with any activities.

After breakfast we spent some time walking in a huge mall. The sun came out so we headed to Redondo Beach for a long walk on the beach. Great day for a walk on the beach.

Early dinner at Chili's. Finished packing and retired early.

Tuesday travel day. Leisurely breakfast, headed out at 1000 for LAX. Flew to Denver with no problems. We had a big tail wind on flight to GR we arrived 40 minutes early. We arrived at home at midnight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wednesday January 4, 2017

Blog time 1035 at Panera

Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday. Got up at 0545, dressed and packed up my breathing machine. After BC I will take the machine to get parts and have a repair done. I keep getting a message that the machine's pump is not working.

The temp was in high teens with blowing snow when I headed out. The freeway was plowed but surface streets needed work. Kind of a white knuckle drive.

Last week Dave Despres who sits next to me had his 90th birthday. Today the Doc who sits on the other side had his 91st. Good role models.

Reverse mortgages was the topic today. Good talk, a RM has some merits for old folks.

After BC I headed to CareLinc. My sleep apnea machine keeps giving me an error message.

Usually Carelinc is crowded but today because of the weather I was the only customer. Carelinc gave me a new apparatus.

Spent the rest of the day packing for our trip tomorrow to LA.

Kim picked up Ms P at 1600.

Light dinner and some TV before turning in. Set alarm for 0500.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Tuesday January 3, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera

Set the alarm for 0640 so Nancy could get to the MVP pool before the New Year resolution folks. Health clubs will be full of these folks until about mid February.

I did the calisthenics (70%) and row at home. Showered, dressed and had breakfast before getting AJ up at 0830. This morning AJ is going to breakfast with Kathi Kothe.

As soon as Nancy got home she called the dentist to see if she could get in to have a crown reattached. She was lucky the dentist had an opening at 0930.

Walked to Panera for my morning coffee and papers.

After lunch AJ and I headed downtown to the GR Public Museum. The museum is having a whale exhibit. I was surprised the museum was crowded. Apparently some schools are still on Christmas break. AJ like the hands on video displays. I think she would give the exhibit a B-

Nancy fixed chicken breasts for dinner.

Read the GRP and started watching NCIS when I got a call from my old high school friend Tom Cassell. Tom and I talked for 90'. Always great to talk to Tom.

Temps will get down to the teens this evening with a chance of snow.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Monday January 2, 2017

Year end update:

Took the weekend off so here is a brief update:

Saturday December 31:

New Years Eve day started slowly. Nancy and AJ slept in. I walked to Panera. Had my oatmeal breakfast and read the papers.

This afternoon AJ and I saw the movie Trolls. We both liked it. I was surprised that the theater was empty.

I did take several short walks.

We had a quiet meal at home. Watched some of the UM/FSU game. We started watching a British MI 5 spy series on Amazon. The show was originally shown on PBS. The first episode was good.

We were all in bed by 2200. Old folks do not stay up for the New Year. I have already seen 78 so no big deal.

Sunday January 1, 2017, I wonder how many times I will get the year wrong before it finally sinks in.

We all slept in. Our first business of the New Year was to head to Meijer's for supplies. I filled the Escape up. Can't remember the price of gas. Nancy bought AJ a low cal chocolate donut.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. It was great.

I took a walk followed by a short nap.

At 1530 we headed to Kathi Kothe house for a New Year's meal. Kathi's brother John was also in attendance.

Kathi fixed a feast for all. After the meal we sat around the table and talked for several hours. AJ was on her best behavior. Nancy was very proud.

At home I watched some of the first half of the Lions/Packers game. Went to bed thinking the Lions could pull it off.

Monday January 2, 2017:

Nancy completed her week's hiatus from MVP. This morning she headed out to attend an exercise class.

I stayed home and did my calisthenics (80%) and ten minute row. Showered and waited for AJ to get up. She was up by 0900 but did not want breakfast.

Nancy got home at 0930 and first thing AJ wanted was breakfast. What does Grandma have that I don't.

Walked to Panera for coffee and chance to read papers. Today is a holiday so mostly fluff in papers.

It was a bright sunny day with no wind and temps in mid 30s. Took Ms P on an extra long walk.

This afternoon I took AJ to a bouncy house. Trampolines everywhere but AJ without a friend did not have many opportunities to partake. We only stayed a short time.

I did watch some of the Cotton Bowl. Wisconsin was one of the few bright spots for the Big Ten.

We had a light dinner. Continued watching the British Spy show on Amazon.

It looks like the mild weather will continue through Tuesday and then we return to normal January temps.