Saturday, February 28, 2015

Friday February 27, 2015

Friday morning and the temperature is -7. I do the at home routine plus rowing, then shower, eat breakfast and walk to Panera. Nancy left early for a class at MVP. Today I had time to read the WSJ from cover to cover and cannot say I found anything worth reporting on. After Panera I took my two mile route home. Kim was her today and she was busy cleaning up after all the disruption caused by the painting. I was out of Pinconning cheese and apples so I drove over to Meijer’s. On the way home Nancy called and told me a should stop a Hallmark and get a retirement card. We are going to a retirement open house the evening. I took a short nap and then it was time to head out to Greenville. The retirement function was held at the historic Winter’s Inn. We took the back roads. It was a pleasant drive with blue skies, sun and a nice snow cover. Donni, an administrative assistant, is retiring from LSE/Scott Civil Engineering. She plans to retire to North Carolina. It was great to see Carol Smith and her crew. I was especially glad to hear that LSE/SCECO is very busy. I also found out that the starting salary for a young engineer is between $50,000 and $60,000. $60K is about 10 times the annual salary for CE graduate in 1960. The drive home was as pleasant as the drive to Greenville. Once home we watched several shows on netflix.

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