Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday February 4, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday:Akerke! You are a joy to your Grandmother and me. The alarm goes off at 0530 because today is Breakfast Club. We got about 1/2” of snow last night. I took the expressway because it is the first road plowed. No problems. Despite the snow we had a good turnout. I know 3 members over 90 who drove this morning. The speaker talked about options open to seniors who need assisted living. I was surprised about the number of options available in West MI but one must be careful before making a permanent commitment. After BC I stopped at Berger Chevy and got my oil change. Chevy has a new AWD compact SUV. It looked good and the price was not bad. A good salesman could have sold me one this morning. I don’t think good salespeople exist anymore. At home I took a check and walked to Macatawa Bank to deposit it. I then walked to Panera for coffee. I like the WSJ on my iPad because unlike the Kendal version it has photos and videos. However, to get these features it requires a wi fi connection. Panera has a very weak wi fi system. Starbucks has an excellent wifi. Speaking of tech I wanted to pay for my coffee using Apple Pay. Panera says they accept Apple Pay but it is only on one of four registers. That register is usually not in service. Every day I find out new things to do with my iPhone. Last night we were watching a show on TV and they were playing a familiar song. Nancy asked what was the name of the tune. I called Siri on my phone and held the phone near the TV. Siri told us it was a song by Gordon Lightfoot. Missy sent me some info on the auto reminder feature on the iPhone. A good feature for us forgetful seniors. After Panera I took a 2 mile walk. I took a very short nap. I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. I got my 30’ in and also my fitbit went off telling me I got my 10,000. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they were not very busy. After a light dinner we will watch some TV. The temperature might get below zero this evening.

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