Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tuesday February 24, 2015

Tuesday February 24, 2015 Once again the alarm goes off at 0600. The painter is coming at 0800. Nancy left 0730 for a swim. As soon as Nancy gets home, 0915, I head out for Panera. I was in the pool at 1000 and swam my 30 minutes. I did not have time to finish the WSJ so I stopped at Starbucks. Ukraine, Greece, and the Middle East dominates the news. This afternoon I am having my annual physical. Each year I make a promise never to have another physical. My Grandparents and Great grandparents never had a physical and they lived a long life. However, when the year rolls around I sign up. It must be my engineering training. I finished the afternoon with a two mile walk. This winter I have had plenty of practice dressing for the cold. The painter is almost done. He said it will take about 3 more hours on Wednesday. He is doing a good job. Nancy fixed chili for dinner. It was great. We watched NCIS and a show on TNT. No netflix. The temperature this morning was in single digits. I don’t think the temp has been above 32 for the entire month of February. Weather folks say we are heading towards the coldest February on record.

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