Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday February 18, 2015

Blog written on iPad. Breakfast Club Wednesday: up at 0600, temp was 6 and we got 1" of snow over night. Freeway only partially cleared, driving was a challenge. In honor of Black History month we had a leading black attorney talk about growing up in GR. Small turnout. Only the really old guys showed up. Stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village to drink coffee and read WSJ. World is a dangerous place, Russia using muscle in Ukraine, Greece is playing hardball and China is everywhere. The U.S. does not have a clue what to do. The sun was out so I drove to Hasting. Stopped at Bob's a Hunt and Fish store. Looking for wool rag socks, no luck. Nancy needed some money so I walked to bank. Created new walking route =2 miles. Nancy worked at Gardens. Lunch and a nap, then finished WSJ. Finished afternoon with walk around block. Wind chills below zero. Light dinner, watched news and Jeopardy, now 2000 and watching The Mysteries of Laura. Got 30 in today, low tonight -6.

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