Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday February 26, 2015

This is getting boring but the temperature was in single digits. I think it is cold in GR but after reading this morning’s GRP I had nothing to complain about. If the weather patterns hold this will be the coldest February since 1916 for Alpena. Their low temp was -27 and the monthly average will be 7. Yes the AVERAGE TEMP is 7. BRR! I could not get in the pool until 1045 so I plenty of time to watch CNBC, Bloomberg and read the WSJ. I cannot get over how stone headed some GOP House members are. They live in a different world from me. What is so difficult about funding Homeland Security. So far Jeb Bush is the only GOP person that I think I could vote for. The GOP’s only saving grace with me is that the Dems are in another world. Nancy said the pool was crowded when she went and I can say the same. I would think the cold outside temps would discourage swimming. Tuesday the Doctor gave me two booster shots. My arms were still sore this morning. It was noon when I got home. It was too early for lunch so I took a 2.5 mile walk. Except for hanging a mirror all the furniture has been move back into the living room. After lunch I took a nap. We are going to Russ’s for dinner. February 1962, Midway Island Navy Station: I wrote my Mother from Midway and told her that the rainy season was over and the temps were in the 70s with a lot of sun. Midway Island was covered with newly hatched Gooney Birds. As a young Ensign I was paid $222 a month. I was sending home $50 and putting the rest in the island bank. The Bank of Hawaii had a branch on Midway. Officers had to pay for their food at the BOQ. It cost me $35 per month for three meals per day. Cigarettes were $0.15 per pack. Yes I smoked. A mixed drink at the Officer’s Club was a quarter and a movie was also a quarter. We were paid in cash. We would stay in line and before getting our pay the Navy gave us a shot for some exotic disease. Pay day on Midway was the only time I saw stacks of two dollar bills. Food was provided free to enlisted sailors. Except for two female nurses there were no other female Navy personnel on the Island.

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