Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday February 2, 2015

The snow stopped about 0400. I had to shovel this morning. The condo folks had our driveway cleared early. Most of the schools in the area are closed. Our street was not plowed so I decided to not drive to MVP. I walked to Panera in bright sunshine. However, the temperature was still single digits. I had time to completely read the WSJ. I hope Germany does not bend in its insistence that the new Greek government shows some fiscal restraint. It looks to me that the only group in the Middle East that deserves our support are the Kurds. Super Bowl commercials were all the talk on MSNBC and Bloomberg this morning. Lately I have been watching Bloomberg. I think it provides unbiased reporting. After coffee I was going to walk over to Meijer's to pick up a prescription. However, the Township had not plowed the sidewalks. I decided to take a two mile walk on less traveled roads. When I got home Nancy wanted to drive to Meijer's for some grapes. We got in the Taurus and headed out. Our four wheel drive Taurus is perfect for driving on unplowed roads. After lunch I took a quick nap. My fitbit had not gone off so I walked around the block and sure enough it went off. We will have a light dinner and then watch some TV. It looks like a netflix evening. I got my thirty in today did you? Yes the Groundhog did see his shadow so winter until St Patrick's Day.

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