Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday February 5, 2015

Thursday February 5, 2015 Another single digit, 9, morning, Nancy goes swimming and I do calisthenics at home. I drive to Panera. I have 90 minutes until I can get in the pool so I read the WSJ from cover to cover. My retention is bad I can not remember what I read. I swam for 30 minutes. At home I grabbed my GPS and walked a new route, two miles. Took nap and then another walk. Got a call from Phil Dougherty, our electrician, he has a cancelation and wants to install our lights tomorrow. We hustled and cleared a path to our attic. Phil has to install five lights. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We started watching a British Crime drama on Netflix. We are hooked. I talked with my Sister, Helen, tonight. We both agreed that high school typing class served us well in recent years. I am writing this blog on my mini iPad using the hunt and peck method. I prefer using a keyboard. My worst grade in high school was in typing. I got a D.

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