Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday February 14, 2014

Saturday February 14, 2015 Happy Valentines Day. I asked Nancy if any Valentines Day stood out during our marriage. She answered: they all stood out! Good Answer. I remember Valentines Day in 1964. There were four single LTjg’s in my outfit, DOICC Vietnam. We all got a Valentine from MOM, no one else. Good ol’ MOM. The temperature this morning was 10, but the wind chill put the temp at -10. I really bundled up and walked to Sundance Grill. I had an oatmeal breakfast and read the WSJ. I took a detour on my walk home so I could get my 30 in. My fitbit said I walked about 2.7 miles. Nancy needed to buy some items at Walmart so I drove her. Walmart is about .75 miles from the condo. When we got home we both decided that we were in for the day. I did take a nap this afternoon. I also finished a book that I have reading for about a month. I think tonight I will start U. S. Grant’s autobiography. It is now 1738 and I am in the office drinking scotch and listening to the howling wind. My iPhone weather says it is 9 outside with wind chill at -11. Wind speed is 23 mph. Nancy is fixing a pork loin for dinner. She also has sweet potatoes and beans. Sounds Good! I remember as a boy that Saturday night dinner was special. My Grandmother Hughes would bake bread and my Mother fixed Boston Baked Beans. On a cold February Saturday night I would take my weekly bath and then go to bed and listen to my radio. I would listen to “Hawaii Calls”. This was a show from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. They would talk about Waikiki Beach and the gently sea breezes. The temperature was always in the 70s. For a boy freezing in Alpena it seemed a different world. Years later in 1962, Ensign Scott spent five days Hawaii. A Navy pilot on Midway Island fixed me up with a nurse working at the Navy hospital in Pearl Harbor. We had dinner at the Royal Hawaiian.

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