Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tuesday February 3, 2015

Tuesday February 3, 2015 It was in single digits early this morning. Nancy headed to MVP for a swim. I stayed home and did the calisthenics and rowed for twelve minutes. I walked to Panera for coffee. I spent over an hour reading the WSJ. I cannot remember any thing important that I would like to comment on. After Panera I took a 2.5 mile walk. Cascade Township finally got the sidewalks plowed. We have a lot of new snow on the ground. I like to be outside in the winter if I am dressed properly. When I got home Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Target. Actually Nancy went to Target and headed to Dick’s which is next door. For years I have been wearing WigWam wool socks. However, I have visited all GR’s sporting goods stores and cannot find them. I think they have been discontinued. I will call WigWam tomorrow. After lunch I took a short nap. What’s new! Every once in awhile I have to go out on our deck and clean our TV dish of accumulated snow. The snow on our deck is so deep that I decided to shovel a path to the dish. It was a bigger project than I thought. Our backyard is a beautiful white unmarked open space. I decided to take a walk in the backyard and mess it up with my tracks. The snow depth averaged about 15”. I did not see any human prints but I noticed several deer tracks. I trudged through the snow and thought this is perfect snowshoeing country. I might buy a pair. I followed what I thought was the old golf cart path. I made it to Charlevoix Drive and decided I had enough. I took plowed roads home. Nancy is fixing ham for dinner tonight. After dinner we will watch the news and NCIS. We also got a paper edition of the GRP. It takes about 15 minutes to read the GRP. We now have about an hour more of daylight. I also noticed that the sun is moving higher in the southern sky. Think Spring!

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