Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday February 11, 2015

Wednesday February 11, 2015 Rope Yarn Wednesday: A Navy term for a day free of duty a chance to wash clothes, and do personal things. Every other Wednesday I have a rope yarn day. Today I slept in and then walked to Sundance Grill for breakfast. After breakfast I walked home and grabbed a big backpack and put three pair of khaki’s in the pack. I walked to a Tailor Shop on Thornhills. They are taking in the waist. Nancy is on the volunteer board for the new Japanese Gardens at Meijer’s Garden. She had an 1100 meeting. She will stay at the Gardens to work her Wednesday afternoon shift. Reames Dry Wall came this afternoon to do some patching prior to the painter. He arrived at 1400 and got most of the work done. He said he should be done by noon tomorrow. Actually he will have the patching done but he will return Friday to sand the patches. The painter is scheduled for Feb 23. Nancy has bookclub tonight. I am meeting with the husbands at Uccello’s for pizza. We will both be home by 2000. We will watch a Netflix show before turning in. We have a cold front moving in. It is now 1730 and the temperature is 30. The temperature will be 7 by 0900 tomorrow.

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