Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday February 1, 2015

Sunday February 1, 2015 It started snowing about 0400. I walked out at 0700. The high winds, cold temps and heavy snow convinced me that today would be an easy day. The weather folks say it will snow all day with winds above 15 mph. No MVP today. Nancy and I got in the Taurus at 0800 and headed to Meijer’s. We wanted to get our shopping done early. Gas today was $2.07 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. We finished breakfast early so I almost finished the GRP before taking a nap. I did watch the 2nd half of the UM/MSU BB game. UM ran out of gas in overtime. It is now 1630 and the snow and wind continue. I have shoveled the walk four times today. I think the combined time it took to shovel the walk will give me my 30 for today. I will not reach 10,000 steps on my fitbit. Nancy is fixing chicken noodle soup for dinner. We will watch the Super Bowl. I really don’t care who wins. The snow is suppose to stop about 0400 and Monday should be sunny. The groundhog will see his shadow. That means winter will end about ST Pat’s Day. Who needs a groundhog. I have always declared St Pat’s day to be the end of winter. Today is the birthday of my sister-in-law Judy Patton. Judy would be 74 today. She was a great lady and an even greater Aunt. Judy was in the first class at Harvard Business School that graduated women. Today is also the birthday of my Great Grand Mother Sanborn. She was 81 in 1938 (born 1857). GGM Sanborn lived to be 93.

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