Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wednesday February 25, 2015

Wednesday February 25, 2015 Easy Wednesday: I slept in this morning. First item of business is to get a lab test. I was in the lab at 0800 and out at 0810 and headed right home. I parked the C2 and walked to Sundance for breakfast. Had my usual oatmeal, scrambled egg and toast. The temperature was in single digits but with no wind walking was pleasant. The painter was done by noon. I started moved furniture back. After a quick lunch took a short nap. The cold weather has kept Ms P inside for several weeks. It was only 18 degree but with no wind I thought she could take a walk. We walked 1.25 miles with no problems. Spent the rest of the afternoon completing a questionnaire from 23&me. 23&me is the company that did my DNA testing. We had a light dinner, watched the news and then TV. I am getting Spring Fever. Yesterday I thought I heard a robin.

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