Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Monday February 23, 2015

Monday morning and we set another low temperature record, -10. Below normal temperatures expected all week. Set the alarm for 0600 because I had to have all my at-home routine done by 0800. The painter is coming at 0830. Things your father never tells you: I was watching the Today show and they showed a weather man standing out on Lake Erie. Lake Erie is almost iced over. Ice thickness is about 12” thick. Three inches of ice can support a car. When my father was a young man his family would drive out on frozen Hubbard Lake and using crosscut saws cut a rectangle pieces of ice. The sawed area was about 10’ x 20’. The ice chunks would be placed on the truck and driven to the root cellar on the farm and covered with sawdust. You could keep the ice intact until almost the end of summer. The ice was placed in an ice box located in the kitchen to keep milk and other perishables cold. One day my dad drove the loaded truck into a recently cut hole. The truck sank and it was not removed until Spring. My Dad was the brunt of family jokes for years. He never told me this story. The painter arrived early, 0800, and did not waste any time. He had the hall and bedroom painted by 1200. Nancy left early for MVP and I stayed home with Ms P. When Nancy got home at 0930 I walked over to Panera for coffee. Nancy had a 1130 PT session this morning. When she returned I took the Taurus and ran several errands. I stopped at Meijer’s to get some Pinconning Sharp Cedar cheese. Pinconning is small community located on Lake Huron, north of Bay City. Next stop was Costco to buy some dried figs. I have been eating figs from Turkey. They are great. Costco no longer carries these figs so I bought CA figs. They are ok but not as good as the ones from Turkey. Gas at Costco was $2.09. The painter left about 1500 and will be back at 0800 tomorrow. I took a short nap and then bundled up and went on a 2 mile walk. It is now 2000 and we have turned on netflix. Nancy wants to watch Blacklist. We will watch blacklist.

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