Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday September 30, 2014

Tuesday September 30, 2014 Nancy left at 0700 to go swimming at MVP. I did my calisthenics, 70%, and had breakfast at home. I rode my bike to Panera for coffee. I am surprised that Panera is a popular place to hold sales or business meetings in the morning. The place is crowded and noisy. After coffee I got on the bike and pedaled to MVP. Today I swam 700 meters, which is also 70% of normal. I hope to get to 100% by the middle of next week. My leg is almost back to normal. It was cool, 49, this morning so I had to bundle up. Tomorrow I will change to my cold weather helmet. It looks like our string of warm weather has ended. Early October highs are between 60 and 65 and by October 31 the high has cooled to 55. I noted on my ride home that leaves are falling so homeowners will have to get the rakes out. I am glad as a condo owner that I will not have to rake any leaves this year. This afternoon the furnace man stopped by and ran a pm check on our furnace. I did not have a lot of confidence in the furnace man. He could not program our Honeywell panel or provide any guidance on heat flow in the ground flow. Nancy fixed ham, beans, and sweet potatoes for dinner. It is now 2133 and we are watching NCIS, NO. Nancy and I agree that the show over does it. I don’t think it will make it. I like “Person of Interest” but I don’t think I will watch it tonight. Got to get up early for Breakfast Club tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday September 29, 2014

Monday September 29, 2014 Lately our weekday wake up time is 0645. Today was no exception. Nancy headed to MVP and I headed downstairs for the calisthenics. After a quick breakfast I got on my bike and headed to Panera. The WSJ was dominated by news from the Middle East and the departure of the founder of PIMCO. PIMCO manages over a trillion dollars. A trillion is 12 zeros. My first electronic calculator only had room for seven numbers. A lot of old men hang out at Panera in the morning. Today was such a nice day that they all were driving their convertibles. My observation is that the majority of convertibles are driven by seniors. After coffee I went on a short bike ride. At 1030 Nancy and I headed downtown to see more of Art Prize. We stopped at the Women’s City Club and then parked in the Ionia/Weston ramp so we could see venues along Fulton and Division. It was a perfect day for being outside. Downtown was jammed with Art Prize visitors. We noted a least five tour buses. At 1400 we headed home. After a quick lunch I took a short nap. Ms P and I took a 1.25 mile walk. This walk has become our standard. It is now 1739 and I am sitting on our deck drinking a beer and writing this blog. It is 79 degrees. Our warm weather will come to an end tonight. The high tomorrow will be 59. Our mean temperature for this time of year is 57. In our neighborhood the elm trees are dropping their leaves. The maples are turning a brilliant red. Fall is great. We are having a light dinner. We will watch CBS and NBS tonight, no netflix. We have not decided if we like the new shows on the three networks. We will give all shows at least two chances to make us fans. I got my 30 minutes outside today. Did you? The news outlets have been reporting of a new virus going around west MI. It attacks children and has many of the traits of polio. I hope they get a handle on it soon?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday September 28, 2014

Sunday September 28, 2014 The alarm goes off at 0700. Today I am going swimming for the first time in three weeks. The pool was not crowded so Nancy and I got the lane of our choice. I swam 11 laps, 550 m, today. Nancy swam 20 laps. Nancy is a great swimmer. After the swim we head for Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast we sat outside and read the GRP. The weather has been so nice that sitting outside is a joy. I did take my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap I drove to ACE hardware and purchased some yard waste bags. Although yard maintenance is the condo’s responsibility we are responsible for our small courtyard. Nancy and I spent about an hour trimming and pruning. We filled three big bags. Today was another beautiful fall day. I am sitting on the deck drinking a beer and writing this blog. Nancy is fixing ham sandwiches for dinner tonight. Tonight we will watch 60 Minutes and Madam Secretary. Nancy will watch the Good Wife and I will watch football. Today we talked with Debbie via FaceTime and Missy via phone. It is always good to talk to the girls.

Saturday September 27, 2014

Saturday September 27, 2014 Saturday morning and Nancy and I decide to go out for breakfast. We ate at the Sundance. We got to the restaurant before 0800 so we did not have to wait. We both agreed that Sundance has a nice breakfast. As we were leaving we noted that people had to wait for a table. We stopped at Meijer’s so Nancy could buy some ice cream for tonight’s dessert. We are going out to eat with the Namy’s. After dinner we will stop at our house for dessert. Our string of nice weather continues. For the first time in several weeks I got out the bike and went on a 90 minute ride. It was a great day for a ride. We are getting a lot of color on the trees. The sky was really blue today. In fact I have never seen a West Mi sky with such a deep blue sky. We will probably pay for this nice weather. I watched part of the first half of the UM game. UM looked pretty confused. Bad coaching causes confusion. We left home at 1730 and met the Namey’s at Carrabba’s Italian Grill. We all liked the food and would go back. The Namey’s came back to the condo for dessert. Nancy fixed a blueberry cobbler. It was great. We spent an enjoyable time talking. Talking is something that senior citizens enjoy doing. The Namey’s left at 2100 and then Nancy and I watched “The Guardian” on netflix.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday September 26, 2014

Friday September 26, 2014 We bounce out of bed at 0645. Nancy heads to MVP and I go downstairs and do my calisthenics. Today I increase my effort to 60%. It is now 0950 and Kim has just arrived to clean. I am waiting for the fireplace man. He is going to check out the fireplaces. Yes we have two fireplaces. I think the existing fireplaces are just for show. No heat is generated just the pretty fire. We want to get the ground floor unit to put out some heat. It is another beautiful day. Clear skies and the temperature is suppose reach 80. We have had the best stretch of weather the past week. The fireplace men arrive at 1000. Also arriving at the same time is the repair man from our security firm, EPS. Nancy works with the fireplace folks and I talk to the EPS man. Last night we noted that a smoke alarm in the ground floor was beeping. We thought it was a low battery but when I inspected the alarm it did not have a battery. It was connected to a master panel. The repair man took the alarm apart and could not find the problem. Finally he noted that in a crate we brought from Mackinaw was a CO2 monitor. The monitor was beeping. Our problem had nothing to do with the alarm system. Took out the old batteries and the beeping stopped. I had the EPS man give me a lesson on how the alarm system works. It really is neat. The system mainly monitors security in the condo. It checks doors, window and has several motion detectors. In addition, the system is hooked up to several smoke alarms, CO2 monitors and also it detects water in the basement. If we are away and a water pipe freezes and breaks an alarm is sent. I can even hook it up to my iphone. The fireplace men checked out our two fireplaces. They gave us a lesson on how they work. The fireplaces are mainly for show. We did ask for an estimate to put in a ground floor system that will generate heat. The ground floor is much colder than the main floor. After lunch I took a short nap. I spent some time paying bills and then took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. Nancy is fixing ham sandwiches for dinner. We are spending a quiet evening at home.

Thursday September 25, 2014

Thursday September 25, 2014 Lately we have been getting up between 0630 and 0700. I think that will change once DST ends in Oct. Sunrise today was at 0733. It is hard to get up when it is pitch black outside. Today I did the calisthenics at 50%. My leg is almost back to normal. At 1000 Bob and Nancy get in the Taurus and head downtown. We plan on spending several hours at Art Prize. Today is an absolutely perfect day to be outside. Clear skies with temps in the low 80s. Our eye doctor is located downtown so we did make a diversion so Nancy could pick up her new glasses. They are bifocals. Downtown was very crowded with all the folks visiting Art Prize. We made a big loop today. We started at City Hall and walked down to the Bob and then across the Blue Bridge to the Public Museum and then the Ford Museum. We finished at the convention center. We walked over 2.5 hours. When we got home I took a quick nap. Ms P was very antsy so I walked her 1.25 miles. For dinner tonight we ate at Shepard’s Bar and Grill. I overheard some folks at Panera talking about how Shepard’s has a nice neighborhood bar atmosphere. It is located in a strip mall near our condo. Both Nancy and I liked the place. The food was good and a 22 oz draft was only $3. Not much on TV so we watched Inspector Morse on Netflix. We did figure out why Ms P has been nervous. Our super duper alarm system is all tied in to one panel. A smoke alarm has been chirping. It sounds like it needs a new battery. I check and it has no battery. It is wired into the master panel. EPS is coming tomorrow to check everything out. I will have to read the manuals before they come.

Wednesday September 24, 2014

Wednesday September 24, 2014 Wednesday my true easy day. Nancy attended a class at MVP while I stayed home and read the WSJ. Nancy was home by 0930. At 1000 we get in the Taurus and head to Park Church downtown. We attended a Memorial Service for Mary Davison who passed away Sunday at the age of 93. Mary lived two doors from us on Mackinaw and she was a grand old lady. After the service a lunch was provided by the church ladies. We had a chance to talk to the Davison family. After lunch we drive to Meijer’s Garden. Nancy has to work this afternoon. Today is the first day of Art Prize and Nancy thinks the Gardens will be busy. On my way home I stop at St Mary’s lab to give a blood sample. I hope this is my last test for awhile. At 1600 I head back to Meijer’s to pick Nancy up. Her shift ends at 1630 but today they were so busy she worked an extra 30 minutes. We had a light dinner and watched a netflix show. Today was a beautiful fall day. No clouds with temps in the high 70s. The colors are getting better every day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday September 23, 2014

Tuesday September 23, 2014 The nice weather continues. It was 45 early this morning but now, 1700, it is 72. It is a clear sunny fall day. The leaves are slowly changing color. Nancy went swimming at MVP this morning. I walked over to Panera for coffee. I read the first section of the WSJ. The Middle East dominates the news. I guess the bad guys are ISIS. But when you weaken the bad guys the other bad guys benefits. Enough said. I did watch the morning news shows and a lot of comment was made about David Brook’s column in the NYT. Mr Brook’s said we should get out of our funk because things are really pretty good for the USA. I agree. After Panera I took Ms P on her daily walk. It was such a nice day that Nancy and I spent an hour on the deck reading. I love our deck. I did take a short nap. I then went on a walk around the neighborhood. My walk was exactly 3 miles. Every day I seem to be getting stronger. My leg is clearing up and I have no trouble walking. As soon as I finish this blog I will read the manual for our dehumidifier. I cannot get the ground floor humidity below 50%. Ideal room humidity is around 40%. Nancy is fixing sweet potatoes and ham for dinner. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch the new season of NCIS.

Monday September 22, 2014

Monday September 22, 2014 The weather folks say today is the equinox. That means we should have 12h of both daylight and dark. However, I checked my weather app and Grand Rapids won’t have 12 and 12 until the 26th. I should get a life! We had another beautiful fall day. The day was cool but sunny, high 61. Nancy took a class at MVP this morning. She is feeling much better. I took Ms P on an early morning walk. We met a lot of other dog walkers. At 1130 I walked to the Sundance. It took me about 20 minutes which translates to one mile. I was meeting Mike Guter for lunch. Mike worked for me at Scott Civil Engineering. In fact I gave Mike his first job. Mike until last week worked for URS on some very large bridge projects. Mike just took a job with a large Swedish firm. Their USA office is in NYC. Mike will commute to NYC until he is assigned to a project. A typical project for this firm is in the 1 billion dollar range. Mike seems very excited about the new job. I wish him well. I did take my afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 1.5 mile walk. We had an light dinner and then retired to the den. We watched the Big Bang Theory and now we are watching Scorpion. I don’t think Scorpion will make. Even though I have not seen NCIS New Orleans I predict that it will not make it. This date in 1938, Great grandfather Sanborn is getting ready for winter. He noted it was a clear day with no frost. In the morning he cut and picked some corn. In the PM he split wood and took a load to his barn for the small wood stove. Life was simple for an active man of 83. GGF Sanborn was a happy man.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday September 21, 2014

We had some major league thunder storms come through last night. Ms P went bonkers so I took her downstairs and turned on the light and played my playlist on the iphone. This alway calms her down. Nancy and I slept in this morning. Maybe next week we will go swimming. We did make a run to Meijer’s. Gas today was $3.20. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and sports in the GRP and then took my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap I ran some errands. First stop Woodland Mall to buy some 3A batteries at Radio Shack. I also looked at some UM apparel for the grandkids. I really don’t like all the writing on the apparel. Why not just a small M. Next I stopped a Gazelle Sports to see if they had any wool long sleeve T’s. No luck. I did check out some soccer shirts. A Manchester United long sleeve shirt costs nearly $100. I just wish their stock price would go up. I bought shares in MU a couple of years ago and the stock price has not budged. My fitbit just went off indicating I have reached my goal of 10,000 steps. I think I should check the settings because I don’t believe I am anywhere near 10K. Nancy is fixing BLT’s for dinner. Sounds good doesn’t it. The rain should end at 1800 today and then the forecasters say we have a week of sunshine coming up. Tomorrow is the equinox when we should have 12h of daylight and darkness. The maple trees are really starting to turn. A lot of red and yellows in our neighborhood. I like fall.

Saturday September 20, 2014

Saturday September 20, 2014: The day started hot and humid and this pattern remained throughout the day. Nancy and I are still in recovery mode. We decided that we had to get out of the house so we had breakfast at the Gathering Place. The food was good but this is the only breakfast place in West MI that isn’t jammed on a Saturday morning. Nancy was driving today and she dropped me off and then headed to Kohl’s. I wanted to get my walk in before the rain so I took Ms P on her walked and then walked another 1.5 miles. I ran several errands this morning. I stopped at Radio Shack and bought an indoor/outdoor weather station. Most of our ground floor is below ground so I wanted a humidity check. If it gets to humid I will fire up the dehumidifier. It is now 1537 and I will stop this blog to watch the UM/Utah game. What a waste of time. UM looked terrible and poorly coached. It was raining so Nancy and I drove to Wendy’s. If no rain we planned on walking. We both had a bowl of chili. Debbie facetimed us and we got caught up on her activities of the past week. Debbie spent last week in Austin, TX. Always good to hear from our children. Not much on TV so we watched another episode of Foyle’s War on Netflix. Next week we will watch all the new TV shows.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday September 19, 2014

Friday September 19, 2014 The recuperation continues for Nancy and Bob. We are both feeling better this morning. I did my calisthenics at 40% today. Nancy left at 0900 for a hair appointment. I spent the morning at home drinking coffee and reading the WSJ. I was glad to see the Scotland independence vote defeated. I keep reading about the President and Military talking about war in Iraq and Syria. It is Vietnam all over again. We should just get out. Why doesn’t anyone listen to me? Today will be one of our last warm days this fall. I sat outside on the deck and it was very pleasant. Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco at noon. Costco was not very crowded. This afternoon I took Ms P on her 3/4 mi walk and then took a short nap. After the nap I took a 1.5 mile walk. Nancy keeps warning me to not overdue it. I don’t think I am. Nancy is fixing fried egg sandwiches for dinner tonight. Last night we noted that netflix added another season of Foyle’s War. We watched episode 1. I really like this show. We might not be watching much netflix in the next couple of weeks because the new TV season starts. Tonight is the last night I soak my leg and I also take my last pill. Whatever I had I do not want it again. My fitbit just told me I reached my goal of 10,000 steps. Good News!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday September 18, 2014

Thursday September 18, 2014: Today neither Nancy or Bob has an item on their calendar. We all slept in. Nancy’s cold is not getting better. My foot is better today. In fact this morning I did my morning calisthenics at 30 %. No problems noted. Today was dedicated to reading and resting. It was cool today but we had some sun. I took Ms P on her walk. I am reading a good book. It is book 2 of the Lincoln Lawyer series. I also started reading a diet book called “Stop Only Sugar Diet”. Three diet rules Low Sugar High Fiber No More Rules I started wearing my fitbit last night. My goal is 10,000 steps per day. I think maybe I will get 3,000 today. I just completed a 1.25 mile walk. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Wendy’s for a bowl of chili. Nothing on TV so it will be a netflix evening. We did get a paper copy of the GRP today. It took about 5 minutes to read. A nothing paper.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday September 17, 2014

Wednesday September 17, 2014 Today is Breakfast Club so I get up at 0600. I have to give the invocation. Todays speaker is from the UAW and he is going to tell us about UAW’s plans. I spent several hours writing the invocation to mesh with today’s speaker. Guess What! The UAW backed out at the last minute. The Program people were able to get Dr Dockery a spry 87, to talk about her years with the GR Museum. She gave a good talk. However, we had a large turn out and I think the reason was the UAW speaker. I made some quick changes to the invocation. I kind of gummed it. After BC I stopped at Walgreen to get some more supplies for my leg. I did meet with my skin doctor to get a spot frozen. The doctor did look at my leg and said it was doing nicely. I agree. This afternoon I soaked my foot and took a short nap. I also for the first time in two weeks took Ms P on a walk. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. I needed to elevate my foot so I watched several episodes of Victory at Sea. Victory at Sea was a TV series shown during the 50s. It was about WWII and the US Navy. Easy dinner tonight and then some TV. I did stop at Martha’s Vineyard on my way home from the skin doctor and bought a baguette and bottle of wine. Tomorrow is the big vote in Scotland. Should Scotland become independent? I say no.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday September 16, 2014

Tuesday September 16, 2014 All the alarms are set for 0630. Nancy has an eye doctor appointment at 0730. I also get up shower and then soak my leg. I am done with the steroids and other pills. I only have the MG pills. Nancy got home at 0930. She thought see needed cataract surgery. No surgery required she only needed glasses. Eagle eye Nancy wearing glasses? Nancy changed and headed for a class at MVP. I dressed and headed to an appointment at Dr Kutsche’s. I had the appointment at 1105 when it really was 1150. I walked outside for 20 minutes with no pain. The Dr said the leg is slowly healing. He gave me a maintenance program. I can even start some mild exercises on Thursday. Good news! After lunch I took a quick lunch and then a nap. I spent about an hour this afternoon writing an invocation I must give at Breakfast Club tomorrow. Nancy is fixing a shrimp stir fry for dinner. We will spent some time reading the GRP and watching TV before turning in.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday September 15, 2014

Monday September 15, 2014 We get up at 0700 and Nancy heads to a class at MVP. I spend a quiet morning at home. At 1230 Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head to Dr Yurko’s office. Nancy does the driving. Dr Yurko says the leg is healing. She takes me off steroids. Now all I do is soak the wound twice a day. I will continues treatments under the direction of my GP Dr Kutsche. At home I spent some time clearing my desk. I paid bills, wrote letters and yes even renewed my PE for MI. We had a light dinner and will spend some time watching Netflix. I miss my 30 outside.

Sunday September 14, 2014

Today was truly an easy day. Nancy did get up at 0700 and go swimming and then to Meijer's. I never left the house. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I spent my entire day sleeping, reading and watching football. My leg is not as swollen as yesterday. I guess I am recovering. Keep a good thought.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saturday September 13, 2014

Saturday September 13, 2014 We slept in until 0730 this morning. Today I did not leave the house. Nancy ran an early errand to Walgreen to get me an ACE bandage and some more soaking medicine. At 0930 Nancy headed to Berger Chevy to have a new starter switch put in the C2. I spent the rest of the day writing letters and reading. I did watch part of the UM football game. The swelling in my foot seems to have gotten better. However, this afternoon I developed a rash over my body. I think it is from the steroids. Nancy put some cream over the rash. Nancy fixed baked beans and hot dogs for dinner. We will watch some Netflix before heading to bed.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday September 12, 2014

Thursday September 11, 2014 The lost week. I finished my last blog a week ago about 1700. Later that evening I developed chills so I bundled up and headed to bed. I woke up Friday morning feeling much better. i did reduced calisthenics and because of threatening rain i walked to Panera for my morning coffee. The rest of Friday was our easy day. Saturday morning was raining so I had spent another easy day at home. The rash on my right leg seems to be getting bigger. Sunday morning. The rash was getting red and bigger. In fact the rash was so red and inflamed we decided to head to emergency at St Mary’s. We spent the morning and afternoon having blood tests run. The Doctor’s thought my leg veins were inflamed. I was given an IV with a heavy dose of medicine. Nancy was a dream during this ordeal. We were given a prescription and told to see the GP on Monday. Monday and I tried but failed to get in to see Dr Kutsche. I started the new pills. Nancy had lunch today with the girls who once worked at the Blodgett Gift Shop. My Sister, Helen, and brother in law, Don, arrived about 1400. We gave them a tour of the condo. We had dinner at Bagger Dave’s. The evening was spent talking about old times. I did every once in a while checked to see how the Lions were doing. Everyone slept in on Tuesday. We had leisurely breakfast. Helen and Don left about 1000. I had a 1630 appointment with the Dr. Kutsche. He looked over my swollen leg and the rash and said we should have a dermatologist look at the leg. Dr Kutsche did not think the swelling was caused by veins. He ordered another blood test. Wednesday AM Nancy drove me to the lab for more blood work. Wednesday afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. I for the first time in several days drove to Dr Yurko’s office. She looked at the rash and said it was caused by an allergic reaction. I am now on steroids. Nancy had book club at our condo. She fixed chicken for dinner. Tom Moleski and I had dinner a Uccello’s. Thursday Nancy goes swimming at MVP. I start my steroids and also twice a day soaks. Nancy and Karen Horling drive to Lansing to meet old classmate Mary Ellen. Helen also attend. Four Albion mates from the class of 63. Nothing on TV so it was a Netflix. Friday September 12, 2012 Kim came today to clean. Nancy took a class at MVP. When Nancy came home we got in the Taurus and ran errands. We made five stops. We spent a quiet afternoon at home. Nancy drove to Wendy’s to get me a bowl of chili for dinner. She also fixed us a fried eggs sandwich. Dr Kutsche called tonight and said the blood test came back. He recommended steroid pills. I told him Dr Yurko started me on Thursday. The doctors who have seen my rash are not in agreement on the cause. What is a civilian to do? Tonight is a Netflix evening.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

ThursdaySeptember 4 2014

Thursday September 4, 2014 It was pitch black when I got up at 0700. After the calisthenics I looked outside and it was raining. I got in the C2 and headed to Panera for coffee and WSJ. It rained hard all morning. After Panera I came home and read a couple of chapters of my book. It stopped raining about 1300 and then I got out the bike and went on a 15 mile ride. It was hot and humid. Nancy went swimming this afternoon at Kathi’s. I took a 30’ nap and then took Ms P on her walk. The hot humid weather gets to Ms P. This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch some TV. We are starting to settle in to our fall routine.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday September 3, 2014

Wednesday September 3, 2014 Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday. I left home at 0630 and it was pitch black. The black condition meant that both eyes were open. During daylight hours my right eye closes. Today’s speaker talked about religious diversity. He was of the Hindu faith and his talk was really good. I was asked to give the invocation at the next meeting. Any ideas? On my way home I stopped at the Chevy garage to see about getting my starter switch fixed. It has been on recall for ages. Chevy said they would call when the parts are in. They said that 3 months ago. Mitt Romney was right! My iphone had a message saying NO SIM. I stopped at Sprint and they said they would fix it. I was to come back in an hour. At home Nancy was still waiting for a call from ATT. She has to work at the Gardens this afternoon so I got my walk in before she left. I walked the 1.5 miles around the block. After the walk I headed back to the Sprint store to get the iphone. I now have a new SIM card. What does a SIM card do? Nancy left at 1230 and I was left with her phone waiting for a call from ATT. Actually an afternoon confined inside was what I needed. I made a lot of phone calls and cleared my list. I did get a call from an ATT Supervisor saying he was now handling my case because the Supervisor was on vacation. He would get himself up too speed and give me a call. Big Deal. The blind leading the blind. At 1430 the door bell rings and it is Greg the ATT repair man. I was about to give Gregg a diatribe when I realized Greg was on the bottom of the food chain. Greg made one check at the box outside the house and said it was an ATT problem. It took Greg about 90 minutes to get us service. He said he gave us a new pair. I don’t know what a pair is but our computer guru said that we needed a new pair in July. Anyway our phone and internet services are fine. Thanks Greg. During my quiet afternoon at home I read the WSJ cover to cover and also read several chapters of the book I am presently reading. Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1645. It is now 1801 and I am sitting on our deck writing this blog and drinking a beer. I love our deck. We will have a light dinner and then a quiet evening watching TV or Netflix. Retired life is relaxed. Life is not so relaxed for our children. Today Steve and Veronica are sending Lucas and Alessandra off to school. Lucas in the fourth grade and Alessandra in kindergarden. Veronica sent pictures of the kids all decked out in their uniforms. AJ started first grade in mid August.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday September 2, 2014

Tuesday September 2, 2014 Today I got up with the sunrise, 0705. This is an hour later than June. I did the at home routine and then took a 12.8 mile bike ride. It was a great morning for a ride. Nancy did not go to MVP because she is waiting on ATT. In fact despite all their promises ATT did not show today. After the ride I showered and got ready for my 1300 Doctors appointment. Dr Santos card say he deals with Neuro-Opthalmology, General Neurology. I found out that I have a condition called MG. Presently, it is confined to my eye. The Doctor said I should continue my pills and come back in four months. I have a January 2015 appointment. At home I took a nap and then Ms P and I went on a long walk. Nancy is still mad at no-show ATT. Nancy fixed chicken, rice and corn for dinner tonight. It was tasty. It is now 1935 and I will head upstairs after finishing this blog. Tonight I will download a Ken Follett book. It is the last of his trilogy on the 20th Century.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday September 1, 2014

Weekend Update: Saturday August 30: The weather folks said it is going to rain all day. No bike ride plus we have to get ready for our first dinner at the condo. Nancy and I ate at the Gathering Place. The food is good and we are both surprised that the place is not busier on a Saturday morning. After breakfast we stopped at the local ACE hardware to buy some picture hanging material and silicon spray. As soon as we got home Nancy started getting dinner ready for this evening. I ran several errands including a beer run to Meijer’s. We have been all week without phone service. ATT said they would send a repairman to fix our problem either Sat or Sun. They have my cell number so I had to leave my phone home. In the afternoon we had a break in the weather so I walked around our block. My pedometer said it is exactly 1.5 miles around the block. I do two laps and I have a nice walk. The condo backs up to an old golf course and we have a lot of green space. I am surprised that we never see anyone walking on the old golf cart trails. Also we have not seen any deer or turkey. I know they are in the neighborhood but they are not showing themselves. Our guests arrived exactly at 1800. After filling their wine glasses I gave a complete tour of our new digs. Nancy fixed a chicken dish for dinner. It was great. After dinner we sat in the living and had a nice conversation. Yes folks we did that quaint thing, we talked. The guests left at 2130. Our first dinner was a success. Sunday August 31: The last day of summer and believe it or not the leaves are turning on the maples and elms. Nancy wants to stay home and wait for the ATT man. I went swimming at MVP. I swam my 30 minutes. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. (no Meijer’s today). I did take my Sunday nap. Later, I took Ms P on her walk and then walked around the block. We spent a quiet afternoon reading the GRP and watching tennis. Guess what! ATT did not show up. Nancy called ATT and after she chewed them out, they promised a service man would fix our phone on Monday. Nancy fixed hot dogs and beans for dinner, my favorite. We spent a quiet evening reading and watching some TV. Monday September 1, 2014: The weather folks consider the months of September, October and November to be fall. We do not plan to labor on Labor. Today is a designated lazy day. We slept in until 0715. I did run one errand. I stopped at Meijer’s to fill the Taurus up and at Panera to get coffee. It is now 0930 and I am sitting on our deck writing this blog on the Apple Air laptop. Did you know Nancy got an Apple Air ipad for her birthday. Stay tuned for the rest of our Labor Day activities. We had some heavy rains pass through this afternoon. I lost my charger for the fitbit during our move. Today I ordered a charger. I also wrote a letter to the condo association asking for reimbursement for some plumbing repairs we had to make. Ms P’s bed is getting kind of ratty so we drove to Pet Smart to get a new one. We checked Art Van to see the status of our new kitchen table and chairs. No change the furniture will be delivered in mid-September. On the way home we stopped at Pizza Hut and ordered a 12” pizza. After I dropped Nancy and Ms P off I headed back to Pizza Hut to pick up the pizza. It is now 1934 snd I am signing off.