Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday December 1, 2013

It has warmed up some. When we left for the MAC the temperature was 35. I remember December 1 in 1964. I had just got out of the Navy. I had spent my 3 year tour in warm climates so I was worried about working outside. I was working for RS Scott Associates in Alpena. My first assignment was to be the on-site engineer for a bridge in Big Rapids over the Muskegon River. December 1 was my first day on the job and the temperature was 70. I thought I can live with this. Several days later the temperature plunged to the low 20s. We had a very cold winter and I had trouble getting warm. I wore so many layers that I could barely move. Working in the middle of the Muskegon in January with high winds and temperatures in the teens was not pleasant. I moved to CA in June. Nancy and I swam our normal laps this morning. We have only two morning Sunday swims at the MAC. In fact tomorrow I am swimming at MVP. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. Gas was $3.19 per gallon. We did not purchase many items because we had a refer full of left overs. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap and after the nap took Ms P on her mile walk. Her first mile walk in about a week. Nancy worked at the hospital this afternoon. I cleaned a lot of items out of my MAC locker. It is amazing what you accumulate in 20 years. No lockers are available at MVP so I arranged my backpack to take what I need for tomorrow. I watched a lot of great football on Saturday. I missed the end of the UM/OSU game because I had to take Debbie to the airport. I saw a lot of replays. I agree with the decision to go for two. I loved the end of the Auburn game. Sabin is not well liked in Michigan since he bailed out on MSU. Left overs tonight and then we will read the GRP before heading upstairs. I hope everyone got their 30 in today.

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