Saturday, December 7, 2013

Friday December 6, 2013

Today starts a cold spell for GR. It was in the low 20s when I left for the MAC at 0530. I was in the pool at 0600 and had the pool to myself. I have a lunch appointment today so I had my coffee at Breton Village and did not have time to finish the WSJ. I got home at 1100 and got in the C2 and headed to Lowell. I had lunch with Jennifer at Keizer's in Lowell. Jennifer wanted to discuss a project. However, she had done some research and found the potential problem did not exist. We spent the lunch having a pleasant discussion of family and friends. On my way home I stopped at Gazelle to buy a swim nose plug. When I start swimming at the MVP pool I will need the plug because of the chlorine in the pool. Nancy and I had dinner at Panera Bread. I watched the movie Forrest Gump before heading upstairs.

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