Sunday, December 29, 2013

Friday December 27, 2013

Friday Steve and family are heading home today. It took them a lot of thought and time to get their car loaded. Steve helped Debbie install her bluray. She now has netflix. I had my coffee at Starbucks. I read the WSJ on my Kindle. Later in the day I download the WSJ to my new mini iPad. Speaking of electronics I downloaded before I left GR the James Bond movie, Skyfall. I watched it on my Apple Air. I like watching movies on the air. On the home front when we left GR on Sunday we had no power. Power came back on Monday. Our neighbors to the west, Borst, did not get power until Tuesday. Our alarm folks at EPS called early Monday and said the battery on the alarm system was depleted so the alarm was not working. On Thursday I called Jim Borst and asked if he would check the house especially the basement. I was worried about a frozen water pipe breaking. I thought the alarm was off. Jim opened the door and quess what? The alarm went off. It took Jim some time to disable the alarm. I got a call from EPS saying the alarm was on and they had called the police. I told them to cancel the call. Anyway we are back to normal with no damage to the house. After Steve and family left about noon Debbie fired up her netflix and they started watching "House of Cards". I took a walk and nap. We had an early dinner at Rock Bottom. Later, we all watched Hunger Games. After Hunger Games, Debbie and I watched "Orange is the New Black".

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