Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday December 7, 2013

Pearl Harbor Day: I actually worked with Navy men who were at Pearl Harbor during the attack. Before the attack the USA was a country with an isolationist bent. After the attack we became an international world power. It was in the teens when I got on the bike and headed to Bill's. I had the oatmeal and after I headed straight home. Nancy went to water aerobics this morning. We both got home at 1000. We changed our clothes and headed to Park Church. We are attending a Memorial Service for Dan Hess who passed away on Thanksgiving Day. Dan and his family lived two doors from our house on Mackinaw. We hired the girls, Ann and Mary as baby sitters. Andy the youngest was a classmate of Debbie. Mary's husband, Dave Kutsche, is our doctor. It was a great service. Nancy and I stayed for lunch after the service. Andy Hess said that he really enjoyed the e-mail Missy had sent. This afternoon I ran several errands. I stopped at Rylee's to purchase a large box for Christmas presents. I also stopped at the UPS store to get some info on shipping packages. Nancy spent most of the afternoon making cookies. For dinner we headed to Great Lakes Shipping. GLS was really jammed and the wait was over 30 minutes. We ended up at Forest Hills Inn. It is now 2200 and I am watching the MSU/OSU game. I am cheering for MSU.

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