Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday December 18, 2013

We had an inch of snow over night. I had it all shoveled by 0530 and then went back to bed. Today is my easy day and I did not get up until 0730. I walked to Bill's for breakfast. I had their super breakfast. I just got started reading the WSJ when I got a call from the eye doctor saying my new glasses are in. I had to get to the Doctors by 1130. I walked home in record time. I bought new lenses for my wire rim glasses and a new pair of sport type glasses with transition lenses. I was surprised at the clarity of both new glasses. My eyes had really changed in a year. Nancy had a busy day today. She went to the MAC, had some lab work done, attended a meeting of the Meijer Japanese Garden committee and then worked at the Gardens in the afternoon. This afternoon I started doing our yearly gifts. In the past I have kept a record of our contributions using excel. This year I am using Apple's Numbers program. Nancy fixed French toast for dinner. It was a great meal for a cold winter day. I have been thinking about how to get our walk shoveled while were gone this winter. The neighbors I have used in the past are not going to be home. They recommended another neighbor with three sons. This evening I walked over and they were happy to shovel. This year I will do my Christmas Cards using e-mail. Is using the internet to send Season's Greetings tacky?

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