Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday December 11, 2013

This morning I had Breakfast Club. I got up at 0600 and shoveled the walk. With all the snow we had over the last 24 hours I expected a small crowd. We had a big turnout. Today the was speaker was a local actress who told a Christmas Story. It was good. We also had a raffle and I won a $10 gift certificate. The food was especially good this morning, scrambled eggs, a hot sweet dish, biscuits and gravy and tons of bacon. I think most of the members are limited in their bacon consumption by their significant others. After BC I stopped at the Wealthy Street bakery for coffee and a scone. I really did not need a scone but it looked so good. I had to limit my reading time because of cold feet. When I got home I shoveled the walk again. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. Costco sells a great pair of a wool blend long underwear. I needed several more pairs so I headed to Costco. Gas at Costco today was $3.09. I not only bought two pair of long underwear but also a pair of winter boots. The boots were cheap and had a weather rating of -40. I took a short nap when I got home. After the nap I went out and shoveled the walk. It is now 1630 and I plan at 1700 to take a two mile walk in my new boots. Tonight we are eating light. Not much on TV so I will head upstairs early to read my new Elvis Cole mystery. The weather will remain below freezing for the next week. Snow is expected for the next five day. It looks like Christmas.

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