Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday December 20, 2013

The alarm goes off at 0455. I walked outside and nearly fell on my ass. The drive was iced over. Nancy had to be at St Mary's at 0645 for some X-rays. I got out a nearly empty bag of salt and had just enough to salt the top of the drive. I then filled a bucket with hot water and spread it on the steep portion of the drive. It worked. I applied five more bucket. The icing was really bad and all schools in the area were closed. I drove Nancy to St Mary's. The local roads were bad but the main roads had been salted. After the tests we drove home and got our gym bags. At the MAC I went swimming and did my calisthenics. Nancy took her body pump class. After I dropped Nancy off I headed to Rylee's to get a bag of salt. I bought one of their last 40# bags. I spent about an hour salting and scraping ice. I did take a short nap. Kim picked Ms P up about 1500. Ms P will spend the next two weeks with Kim. I finished writing checks to charities this afternoon. Nancy fixed hot dogs and soup for dinner. It was good. Not much on TV tonight but I did watch some of Woody Allen's "Bananas". It was funny.

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