Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tuesday December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013: I got up at 0600 and walked to Starbucks for coffee and to read the WSJ and San Francisco Chronicle. I was surprised that a lot of folks coming in Starbucks were going to work. Quick in and out. I bought Steve and Nancy a coffee. The kids seemed tired from all the activity yesterday. Nancy was fixing cookies and Steve and Veronica were getting ready for the big day. Nancy and I went with Debbie to Trader Joe's for more supplies. I like TJ and wish we had one in GR. Everyone was busy so I took a nice walk to the Willow Glen shopping district. Total walk time about one hour. In the afternoon Steve's family and Debbie went to Tech Museum. Nancy and I stayed home. It was such a beautiful day, high 60s and sun, that I took a walk on the Los Gatos trail. It is a great trail but I thought it was narrow for all the traffic. The trail passes under all the cross roads so it is very safe. Debbie fixed a ham for dinner. We had ham, mashed potatoes, beans and rolls. Cookies for dessert. Nancy got hit with a fast acting stomach flu bug. She went to bed early. Steve's favorite Christmas movie "The Christmas Story" was on a 24 hour marathon. I watched the movie and I can relate to Ralph, the star. I wanted a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas when I was 8 or 9. In fact I did get a BB gun. When I went to bed about 2230 Nancy was feeling much better. Merry Christmas.

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