Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday December 16, 2013

It was 3 degrees when I left for my walk to the MAC at 0530. No wind so the walk was not that bad. After the swim and calisthenics I walked over to Starbucks at Breton Village. Does anyone know all the ins and outs of the problems in the Ukraine. I think the Russians are playing a good game of hardball. What is John McCain doing in the Ukraine? I am happy that congress finally showed some sense when they approved the budget deal. It was so cold that I thought my body had burned many calories just keeping me warm. So I bought two donuts. For the first time in a week we had bright sunshine. In the afternoon I got in the C2 and ran some errands. My first stop was Rylee's to buy some fluorescence bulbs for my office fixture. I bought two bulbs. I was going to stop at the post office to get some stop mail forms while we are in CA. The parking lot was full so I stopped at a small fitness studio to see if they offered a Body Pump class. They said that they did indeed offer this class. Nancy likes Body Pump but the MVP club we joined does not offer this class. I brought all the info home. I put in the new bulbs and they are the wrong kind. They give off a yellow light and the original lights gave off a nice white light. I will exchange them tomorrow. Nancy had a doctor's appointment at 1700. Traffic on the East Beltline is terrible between 1600 and 1800. Nancy wanted me to drive and I complied. We had a light dinner and they watched the news. Right now we are watching Major Crimes on TNT. We like this show. Tomorrow we are expecting a warm up. I hope it does not get above 32.

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