Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday December 2, 2013

Today I am making a test run to MVP. I do my calisthenics at home and then at about 0715 I head to MVP. I took the back roads. It is 5.1 miles. The pool was crowded but one lane was empty. It is a nice 25 meter pool with one major drawback. They use chlorine for the disinfectant. My nose was clogged up by 1300. I will have to wear a nose clip or mask that covers my nose. Bummer. MVP has had a major influx of new members from the MAC. I heard that 150 MAC members signed up last Friday. I had my coffee at Starbucks in Gaslight. I find the political situation in the Ukraine and Thailand interesting but confusing. I think the Ukraine's problems stem from Russia exerting a lot of muscle not to join the EU. Thailand's problems appears internal. My bike brakes were acting up so on my way home I stopped at GR Bike to have them make an adjustment. It took them about two minutes at no charge. It was nice and sunny when I got home so I finished raking the lawn. Tomorrow is the last day that GR will accept yard waste bags. I also ran the lawn mover until it ran out of gas. Lawn mowers should be stored with an empty gas tank. I had lunch about 1400. My feet get cold when riding my bike so I took a quick nap with the electric blanket on. I must start wearing rubber boots when I take the bike out. We had a light dinner. We will watch Major Crimes on TNT before heading upstairs.

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