Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sunday December 22, 2013

We slept in today. We had planned on going out to breakfast. I walked outside and found we had about 1 inch of ice over everything. We had also lost our power over night. We were able to peel off the ice on the driveway. We got in the Taurus and head to the Omelette Shop for breakfast. Breton Village had power. Apparently everyone without power headed to the Omelette Shop. The wait was 50 minutes so we stopped at D&W and bought some donuts. We heard that over 200,000 homes were without power. We are leaving for CA this afternoon. I talked to our neighbor, Jim Borst, and asked if he would check our house while we are gone. I worry about freezing pipes if the power is off too long. We checked on our flight status and everything was on time. I called a taxi and they said because of the weather expect a two hour delay. We drove to the airport and parked in the garage. It is more costly than a taxi but at least we got to the airport on time. Checkin was a breeze as was going through security. We were randomly selected for an easy pass through. The flight to Minn/St Paul was easy as was the flight to SFO. We got in on time and picked up the rental from Payless. We took the Bayshore to Debbie's home. We arrived at 2215 PST. Steve and family had arrived earlier and were already in bed. We went directly to bed.

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