Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Monday December 23, 2013

I woke at 0500 PST. Jet lag. I dressed and walked to Starbucks. I purchased a coffee and oatmeal. I like this branch's oatmeal. Starbucks was busy with folks coming in to get a coffee before heading to work. I walked over to a local bike shop to see if they had a bike suitable for Debbie. It was 50 and sunny. They did. Lucas, Steve and I spent some time throwing the football around. In the afternoon we headed to downtown San Jose to attend Christmas in the Park. Nancy stayed home and made cookies. The park was jammed. Lucas and Alessandra rode on several rides. We had lunch at Johnny Rockets. The place was crowded and noisy. I called our neighbor Jim and he said the power was still out and it might be Thursday before it would be restored. He emailed me later that our power was on but his was not. I emailed him back and told him to stay in our house. He and his family were staying in a hotel. We all had a light dinner. When it got dark we took a walk around Debbie's neighborhood to look at all the outdoor Christmas displays. Several homes had gone all out. Nancy and I were really tired so we were in bed by 2030. I fired up the Kindle and immediately fell asleep. I woke up at midnight with the Kindle underneath me.

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