Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday February 9, 2011

Ms P and I got up at 0415. I woke up because I forgot to make the coffee and Ms P because it was time to do her bidness. I headed back to bed and expected to sleep until the alarm at 0555. I slept through the alarm and would have continued sleeping if Nancy had not told me to shut the thing off. Today is Breakfast Club. Attendance was off today because a lot of members are in warmer climes. We had an interesting speaker who discussed clinical cancer studies that are going on in the GR area. She was a very good speaker. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs, pancakes, ham, and hash browns.

After Breakfast Club I stopped at the post office to mail a package to Willa and then stopped by the Kava House. I turned my Kindle on and the battery was totally dead. I think the cold temperatures drains the battery. The Kindle was very cold because I had left it in the car while at Breakfast Club. In fact I have read that the range of the Chevy Volt is cut in half on cold days. Maybe electric cars are warm weather cars?

I decided to run some errands. I first stopped at Martha's Vineyard on North Union Ave. This is an European style high end wine and grocery store. It is one on GR's best kept secrets. They had a special beer from Sri Lanka. It was on sale for $3.50 a six pack. I bought a six pack and a super duper oatmeal/raisin cookie. My next stop was Rylee's Hardware where I bought some deicing salt and a blind spot mirror. Finally I stopped at D&W and bought some V8 juice.

I spent some time on the computer and then at 1130 I headed to the MAC for a swim. I swam 30 minutes and was able to perform the crawl without any shoulder pain. It just takes time.

I had a 1420 skin doctor appointment. I got to the doctor's at 1400 and they took me right away. I was surprised because usually the waiting room is jammed and the wait is long. Today the waiting room was nearly empty. Is the medical field being impacted by the bad economy? Dr. Mary sprayed some liquid nitrogen on several spots. I have a mole under my arm that I have checked each time I visit. Dr Mary asked if I wanted it removed. I said yes and it was removed.

When I got home I filled the bird feeder and let Ms P out. She does not like to stay outside on these cold days. Although the sun was out this afternoon the temperature never got above 15⁰. We had a strong wind so the wind chill was probably in single digits. I took a 30 minute walk.

Tonight is book club night so I am meeting Tom Moleski at Vitale's for pizza and beer. I will leave at 1730. I indeed had pizza and beer (Blue Moon). After dinner I headed home. I got home at 1930. Nancy got home at 1815. We watched a little TV and then headed to bed.

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