Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday February 22, 2011

Tuesday and we promised no more snow days. Ms P and I went out at 0500 and I was glad to see we had no new snow. I got up for real at 0650. Nancy has an early class at the MAC so if I am going to ride with her I must be ready by 0730. We left for the MAC at 0730. I was tired today so my 4,000 meter time on the rowing machine was subpar. I also ran 2 miles at a very slow pace. After the MAC I ended up at Breton Village to read the WSJ and DFP. The DFP had an article on how high schools are not preparing graduates for college. When seniors were given a ACT type test their scores were terrible. The highest grade for a Detroit area HS was 75%. The school was located in Birmingham. The highest score for a City of Detroit HS was 4%. All the other HS's in Detroit were around 1%. Most Detroit area schools had scores between 20 and 30%.

Both papers had articles on public sector unions and the problems in WI. The problems in the middle east also got plenty of attention. It is amazing that the area just imploded. Our crack CIA and other intelligence agencies were out to lunch.

Unlike yesterday today turned into a bright sunny day with little wind. I had a nice walk home from Breton Village. After lunch Nancy, Ms P and I got in the Taurus and ran some errands. Our first stop was Verhey Flooring to make a down payment on our new bathroom floor. We then headed to the Lightning Center to see if we could still buy bulbs for our retro bathroom cabinet. They had some in stock so we bought 4 lights. Our last stop was Home Depot. We wanted to buy some baseboard for the bathroom. We wanted to replicate what we put down in the kid's bathroom. Home Depot did not have what we wanted.

Nancy is fixing some leftover chicken from a recent dinner party for tonight. Tonight we will watch NCIS. I have to be in bed by 2130 because I have to get up early tomorrow for Breakfast Club.

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