Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday February 23, 2011

I took Ms P out at 0545 and then immediately got ready for Breakfast Club which begins at 0700. It was very clear but cold this morning. The TV weatherman said it was 8⁰. I fired up the C2 and headed downtown. I arrived at exactly 0700. Breakfast was especially good this morning. We had scrambled eggs, hash browns, link sausage, oatmeal and homemade donut holes. The speaker this morning was a GR resident who played in the Negro Baseball League. He talked about the problems finding food and lodging in the deep south. Birmingham, AL was especially bad. It was very interesting.

I stopped at the Kava House on my way home to read the DFP and WSJ. This is a strange time we live in. I spent the rest of the morning checking email, etc. At 1130 I headed to the MAC for a swim. I swam for 33 minutes. After the MAC I headed downtown to my eye doctor to get my sunglasses modified. My next stop was Lowe's. I purchase 3 pieces of baseboard for the master bathroom. Each piece was eight feet long. I laid down the backseat in the C2 so I could get the 8' pieces in. No problems.

When I got home I took Ms P around the block. Just as we finished our walk Nancy got home from the Gardens. To get my 30 in I walked for 2.5 miles.

Tonight is cereal night. I do not think there is much on TV so we will probably go to bed early. I went to bed at 2000.

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