Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday February 4, 2011

Friday morning and we have the big task of shoveling the driveway. The snow is about 18" deep from the house to the sidewalk and 36" deep between the sidewalk and street. The plows have really plugged us in. We start about 0730 and have the drive almost done by 0930. We have not yet started on the section between the walk and street.

We have new neighbors living in the old Pritz house. The house belongs to a young couple with several children. Eric is a doctor. Anyway the new neighbors let us use their super duper snow blower. It took me 30' to clear the area that was plugged by the plows. I estimate that it would have taken an hour if I had done it by hand. I also used the snow blower to finish the top of the drive. Bob and Nancy spent 150' clearing only the drive. We were both too tired to go to the MAC. I grabbed my Kindle and headed to the Kava House.

When I got home from the Kava House I spent another two hours chopping ice off the driveway. When I finished the drive was bone dry. I then took a well deserved nap.

Friday night we headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We were surprised how crowded the place was. We ate in the bar and got the last table. The main section had a hour wait.

We read the GR Press and watched some TV. About 1930 John Bradshaw brought Ms P home. I guess you could say things were back to normal.

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