Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday February 17, 2011

Thursday morning and it can best be described as same-o-same-o. We are suppose to hit the record high for this date, 55⁰. I drove Nancy to the MAC. After the MAC I walked over to Breton Village Mall for coffee and the papers. Our Gov continues to play hardball with his budget. He wants to eliminate individual pricing in stores and tax public employee's pensions. I think he will accomplish his goals. The GRP says that he is willing to be a single term Gov.

I think our Gov is much smarter the Wisconsin's Gov. The Wisconsin Gov wants to eliminate public employee's unions. I think this is too explosive an issue. In fact I think collective bargaining is basically good. My mother who was very conservative supported teachers unions because she said without the union the school board would run all over the teachers.

After my walk home from Breton Village I had a quick lunch. At 1400 Randy Heibel a painter that we have used stopped by to look at painting the master bathroom. Randy gave us some good advice and also a good price. Slowly we are putting our project together.

After the meeting with Randy I headed downtown to meet with Wells Fargo people. I am changing my IRA from 5/3rd to WF. I have been very disappointed with 5/3rd.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. The place was almost empty. They have a bock beer on draft that I like. After dinner we watched some TV and read the paper. We were upstairs by 2130.

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