Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday February 15, 2011

It got real cold last night, 16⁰. We also had a near perfect full moon. I got up at 0515 and did the early morning chores. At 0730 Nancy and I headed to the MAC. My Tuesday routine is not as intense as Monday's. I have added chin and pull ups to my routine. Before the fall I could do 10 each. Presently I can only do 3. Every day I am improving. After the MAC I walked over to Breton Village and had my coffee and papers. The DFP had several articles on the bonus the big three are giving their workers. Ford will pay $5,000 and GM will pay $4,000. Fiat/Chrysler did not make a profit last year but is still giving a bonus of $750.

The City of Detroit has a huge supply of abandoned homes. The mayor in an effort to get police officer to move back to the city is offering $1,000 to any officer that wants to move back. In addition, the city will use Federal stimulus money to help improve the homes. The mayor also wants to move citizens living in neighborhoods that have little or no chance of recovery to more stable neighborhoods. He seems to be getting some favorable feedback. Do the recent events in the Middle East substantiate President Bush's goal of democratic governments for all Middle East countries?

The walk back home was pleasant. The sun was out and temperature was above 32. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to my office. I checked my mail and my skin doctor let me know the mole she removed was normal. Nancy also got a positive report from her recent x-ray. I talked to our financial advisor at Wells Fargo about buying some ETF funds. He gave me several that I might be interested in. I looked them up and will purchase several shares tomorrow. I also called Debbie to see how things were going and to ask her opinion on ETF funds. Debbie seemed in good spirits. She said she might be going to Ireland in April. Did you know Great Grandfather Hughes was from Wexford, Ireland. I looked Wexford up on google earth. I also looked up Campbeltown, Scotland. Nancy and I are thinking of a visit to Scotland. Campbeltown is a 6 hour bus ride from Glasgow. Campbeltown is not on any tour but it is a must see venue for me.

I have no idea where the Scott's originated. This afternoon I called Caledon, Ontario my grandfather Scott's birth place to see if I could purchase a birth certificate. The folks at Caledon gave me a phone number for "Service Ontario". I will check tomorrow.

This afternoon I called Lloyd Aikens in Alpena. Lloyd was my dad's bookeeper for many years. He was also in my mother's fifth grade class. Lloyd was not home but I will try later.

Nancy has a OHNA board meeting tonight. We are having chicken salad. I might have to watch NCIS alone.
The chicken salad Nancy prepared was great. She did not get home from the OHNA board meeting until almost 2100. She said I was appointed to the Street Light committee. We headed up to bed at 2130.

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