Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday February 10, 2011

Ms P and I are suffering from some type of lag. We got up at 0415 and headed outside. I went back to bed and got up at 0700. Today I am riding with Nancy to the MAC. It is a cold, clear day with the temperature in the teens. We are expecting some high winds so the wind chill will be in single digits.

I have been practicing pull-ups and chin-ups and find that if I do not fully extend my arms I can do 3 each. I have been doing some special exercises that I found in my Canoe magazine and they seem to be working. I hope by St Patrick's Day I will be back to 10 pull-ups and chin-ups.

After the MAC I walked over to Breton Village, bought a coffee at the Omelet Shop and then read the DFP and sections of the WSJ. I could not finish the WSJ because I have to be home a little after 1200 so I can take Ms P to the beauty shop. I started walking home at 1130. It was very pleasant walking north of Breton but when I turned west on Argentina the wind make it very, very cold. I got home and after filling the bird feeder I grabbed Ms P and headed to the beauty shop.

I ran several errands including renewing an IRA CD at 5/3rd. It was very frustrating. When I got home I had a phone message from the beauty shop that Ms P had fleas. They added $5 to the bill. I got Ms P about 1430 and she looked great, minus the fleas, I hope. I dropped Ms P off and headed to Pet Smart to get some flea spray for carpet and bedding. Nancy in the meantime was washing Ms P's bedding. I also stopped at Meijer's to get a prescription filled.

We got back into our Thursday routine by having dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we read the GRP and watched some TV. I was really tired to I headed to bed at 2030. I did talk to my sister in AZ. She is returning to MI on the 20th of April. I will pick her up at the airport and drive her to Gaylord on the 21th.

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