Monday, February 21, 2011

Saturday February 19, 2011

Saturday morning. The alarm is set for 0630 so Nancy can make her early morning body pump class. Ms P and I had been out earlier. We all got up with the alarm. I got dressed and decided that today I was going to the boat show at DeVos Hall downtown. It is about a 3.5 mile walk. It was a great day for a walk. The sidewalks were clear and the temperature was above 32. I got downtown about 0830 and headed to the deli at the Amway. The Deli has the best, yes best, apple fritters in the USA. I had a fritter, actually 2, and coffee. I read both the WSJ and GRP. At 1000 I packed it up and walked to the boat show.

Everyone must have spring fever because the boat show was packed. I walked around and looked at all the boats. I concluded owning at boat is expensive. My dream boat would be a house boat. I have no desire to own a power boat. In fact I think all jet skis should be banned.

When I got home I noted that Nancy had finished cleaning the kitchen and had made cookies and a carrot cake for tonight. Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's at the old Gibson's for dinner. After dinner we are coming over to our house for dessert. I take a short nap.

At 1745 we get in the Taurus and head to the restaurant. The restaurant is full. Is this a sign of a recovering economy or does everyone just have cabin fever? We had a very enjoyable dinner. Unlike last night the food was good and the staff pleasant.

After dinner we all gathered at 1555 Mackinaw for carrot cake and dessert. Nancy made a great dessert. We spent an enjoyable hour in pleasant conversation. At 2200 Bob and Nancy headed to bed.

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