Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day. In grade school we use to exchange cards. Ms P and I got up at 0515 and it was very mild outside. We did go back to bed and I got up at 0715. Nancy has a Hospital Gift Shop Board meeting this morning so she will not be going to the MAC. I will walk both ways. Despite two days of above freezing temperatures the minor streets that seldom see a plow were very icy. I had to walk very carefully. Monday is my busiest day at the MAC. I did not leave until 1115. I bought my coffee at the Omelet Shop and sat in the mall and read the WSJ and DFP.

I did not take my normal route home because the walks in EGR were all slush. Instead I back tracked my earlier route. I got home at 1320. After a quick lunch I took Nancy car and got it washed.

Tonight is cereal night. Not much on TV so I hope to be in bed early. I have been having some problems sleeping.

On Saturday's blog I mentioned my first job as a civil engineer, 50 years ago. Life was very simple in 1961. As a recent grad I had several goals. My most immediate was to save money to buy a car. My primary goal was to get solid engineering experience for the next four years. With four years of civil engineering experience I would be eligible to take the Professional Engineer's exam. Once I became a Professional Engineer I planned on moving back to Alpena and work for dad at RS Scott Engineering Company for the rest of my life. See life is simple. The big obstacle to achieving my goal was the draft. Stay tuned.

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