Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday February 11, 2011

Ms P and I cannot sleep past 0430. We headed outside and noticed a light dusting of snow on the ground. I shoveled a section of the drive while Ms P was doing her bidness. It was then back to bed until Nancy said it was time to go to the MAC. We left at 0730. I did the normal Friday routine and then ended up at Breton Village Mall reading the papers and drinking coffee. The DFP has been running a series of article of folks in the Detroit Public Schools changing grades so bad students can be promoted. The DFP does a real service to the citizens by exposing these violations. In fact if they had freedom of press in Egypt the WSJ would have nothing to write about. All the problems in Egypt reinforces my view that the USA should be a neutral country and stay out of other countries business.

I walked home and then had a quick lunch. Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Rivertown Mall. I purchased a pair of swim goggles and Nancy some clothes at Macy's. I took a nice nap as soon as we got home.

This evening we are going to a OHNA TGIF party. The party was held at the home of Tom Ellis (former Block home). Tom lives summers in GR and the rest of the year he lives in Georgia. Tom let the OHNA use his house while he was in Mexico. The neighbors must all have cabin fever because the party was well attended. We left at 2130 and as soon as we got home we went right to bed.

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