Monday, February 7, 2011

Saturday February 5, 2011

Saturday morning and Ms P and I went out about 0500. I woke up with the alarm at 0630. Nancy has an early morning class at the MAC. I walked to "Bill's" and had their super special. I also read the DFP and WSJ.

Nancy and I got home about the same time. We loaded Ms P in the Taurus and ran some errands. We stopped at the library, and then headed to Target. Nancy made some Valentine purchases. We also stopped at Staples so I could buy some expandable file folders. I was out of money so I used the ATM in Breton Village and then we made our final stop at Pet Smart. We bought Ms P some food.

We spent a quiet evening at home. Nancy prepared some tomato soup and grilled peanut for dinner. We watched a little TV and then headed to bed. We are still suffering from jet lag.

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