Thursday, September 28, 2023

September 25, 2023

 Monday September 25

Blog time 1700 on Wednesday September 27.

Monday morning slept in until 0800.  The pool is still closed at MVP so Nancy did the treadmill/stationary bike.

I did my at home calisthenics.  In fact I now do all my calisthenics except pull/chin ups at home.  I biked 5 miles to MVP.  Lately I have had to change my route because of all the underground cable work along East Paris.

I make a quick stop at MVP.  Total time for pull/chin ups is about 15 minutes. Get back on bike and pedal 2 miles to Forest Hills Foods.  Buy coffee at Starbucks and a donut in the bakery section.  Settle down with my treats to read the morning papers and check email. 

The bike ride home is about 2 miles. Total miles = 9. 

This afternoon I have a big dentist appointment.  The purpose is to remove an old crown, clean out the decay and put in a new temporary crown.  I spent 2 hour in the chair.  

I do not have a lot of confidence in my new dentist.  He has a lot of high tech toys but seems clumsy when working in my mouth.

We did attend Happy Hour tonight.  Dinner in the Main Dining Room.  Tonight all I had was a bowl of soup.  

We watch and episode of “Mr and Mrs Murder”. Finished the evening reading the WSJ.  Turned in at 1030.


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