Monday, September 11, 2023

September 10, 2023

 Sunday September 10, 2023

Blog time 1708 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0730.  The temperature was in 50s but will reach 75 later.  The days are getting shorter today we have 12h44’ of daylight heading to 12h0’ on the Autumn Equinox on Sep 23.  Dressed and then fixed microwaved a bowl of oatmeal.  Added blueberries to the bowl.  

We headed to Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Good crowd at church today.  Next week Sunday School starts so the attendance will be even bigger.

After Church we took our Sunday ride.  Nancy has several lunches this week.  We made dry runs.  However, I told Nancy I will drive.  We ended our ride with a stop at Panera for coffee and a baguette.

As soon as we got home I put on my bike clothes.  Today I headed to the Burton Street bridge project.  Burton Street is an important connector.  It has been closed all summer.  It looks like we will have another three week wait.  Bike ride miles = 8.

Showered and then took a nap.  After the nap I read the Detroit News.  Skimmed the sports page.  Both MSU and UM had good games yesterday.  However, several articles were on MSU’s football coach’s suspension.

I can’t open the GRP.  They are having technical problems. However, I was able to open using my mini, go figure.

Yogurt for dinner tonight.  We watched an episode of Endeavour on Prime.  It was filmed in late 90s.  We were both in bed by 2200.

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