Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023

 Wednesday September 6, 2023

Blog time 2000 sitting in office

I just plain forgot to write yesterday’s blog.  Must be an old man thing.

This morning, Wednesday, I got up at 0730.  Today is my easy day.  My iPhone said it will start raining at 1000 so I left at 0800 to get my bike ride in before the rain.

I was about 30 minutes into the ride when it started to pour.  Immediately I turned around and headed home.  I was soaked when pulled into the garage.  Total soggy miles today 7.

Took a nice hot shower and dressed in warmer clothes.  Our 90 degree days are over although high temp today was 82.

I made a quick trip to Woodland Mall.  I wanted to buy a handlebar attachment for my iPhone.  The Apple Store did not have such and item.  I was told to check on Amazon.

Walked around the Mall but did not see anything I wanted to buy.  I got my morning coffee at Panera.  Nancy was also filling up so we sat and talked for a bit.

While at Panera I did read the Michigan papers.  Nothing much happening.

I have created a college savings fund for the Grandkids.  Today I wanted to make a payment to UCI for Lucas’s tuition.  

I called the Michigan Education Savings Program and found I needed more data.  Veronica will help me make the first payment.

Took a short nap this afternoon.  We attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the main hall.  I had the salmon and Nancy had her favorite shrimp cocktail.

After dinner we usually take a walk around the Big House.  Tonight a big deer stood right in front of us and did not move.  It watched us for several minutes before deciding it had better things to do.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Liverpool 1”.  2 episodes left.

It is now 2145 and I am just finishing the WSJ.  Good Night. 

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