Monday, September 18, 2023

September 17, 2023

 Sunday September 17.

Blog time 1800 sitting at office desk.

Slept in until almost 0800. Dressed and fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  

We attend the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Arrived at 0900.  We partook of the coffee and cookies offered.

Large crowd at church.  Everyone must be back from cottages.  

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we drove through downtown to see what was happening with Art Prize.  Todays drive took about 2 hours.  Finished the ride at Panera for coffee and a scone.  We did stop at Meijer’s to fill up the Escape.  I filled up with Premium.  Cost was $4.65 per gallon.

At home I put on bike clothes and took my Sunday ride to inspect progress on the Burton Street Bridge project.  Progress is very slow.  With the bridge out we have to make long detours.  Total miles 9.

Showered and then a short nap.  Nancy and I finished the afternoon with a mile walk around Cook Valley’s wetland.  Saw no critters.

We were both on our own for dinner tonight.  I had yogurt with granola.

Tonight we watched and episode of “Call the Midwife”.  Missy called tonight.  Tomorrow is her big day.  AJ starts a special school in San Diego tomorrow.  Missy will drive her and they will stay in an extended stay hotel for the first week while Missy looks for an apartment.    We wish them well.

It is now 2130.  Nancy is in bed and after I take my pills I will join her.

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