Sunday, September 3, 2023

September 3, 2023

 Sunday September 3, 2023

Blog time 1311 sitting in office.

I really slept in this morning.  (Did the AC help?) Got up at 0800.  Nancy was already up and ready for church.  

I dressed and fixed a breakfast of yogurt/blueberries and grape nuts.  I am tired of oatmeal.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  As you might expect on a Holiday weekend Church was empty.

After church we headed to Costco.  Cook Valley is having a holiday pot luck tomorrow and we have to bring a dish to pass.  Originally we planned on pinwheels but Costco did not make any today.  Bummer!  Bought cookies and shrimp.  Costco was jammed.  They already have Christmas trees for sale.  Talk about rushing the season.

At home Nancy and I checked our locker see if we had any ketchup or horse radish.  We had them but we’re outdated.  Will buy new this afternoon.

The 1200 temperature was in high 80s.  It will reach 90 later according to my super duper app on my iPhone.  I put on bike clothes and took a 7 mile ride.  Showered after the ride and took a short nap.

For dinner tonight we headed to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  On way we stopped at Forest Hills Food and bought ketchup and horse radish.  We sat In Culver’s parking and ate our frozen custard mixer.  Very good.

I made a quick read of the GRP.  It is now 2200 and I will take my MG pills with prune juice and head for bed.

Tonight we watched the last episode of “The Red Dahlia”.  It was ok.

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