Thursday, September 7, 2023

September 7, 2023

Thursday September 7, 2023

Blog time 2045 sitting in office.

Up at 0730 today.  Did my at home calisthenics before dressing. Temp in low 70s with mist.  Weather folks say rain should stop by 0900.

Waited around until 0900 and then hoped on bike and rode 5 miles to MVP.  When I walked in Nancy was just finishing up.  It took me 20 minutes to compete my chin-up/pull-up routine.  Got back in bike and pedaled three miles to Forest Hills Food.

I bought a yogurt/granola/blueberry parfait.  Best parfait in GR.  Also bought Starbucks coffee and settled down to read the Alpena and Detroit News.  

AHS has a tough time winning any sports, girls or boys, with Traverse City, Petoskey or Marquette.  In 1956 it was easy.  Times sure have changed.  Speaking of Alpena my sister, Helen, today sent me a history book about Alpena.  Very interesting.

Left Forest Hills Foods at noon.  Nancy was not home.  I remembered she had a lunch date with several women living in Cook Valley.  

Today I shaved my head and face before showering.  As soon as Nancy got home we ran errands.  We got our IRA quarterly checks yesterday so we made stops at our banks.

I also filled the Fusion up.  I think gas was $3.75.  Most of our fill ups are less than $50.  

Nancy and I attended Happy  Hour this evening.  Lately we have more folks at HH.  I think most folks are back from their summer cottages.

This evening at dinner I was talking football with David Reese.  He mentioned that the last Ivy League player to win Heisman was Princeton’s Dick Kashmir (sp?).  I mentioned that a lineman on this team Brad Glass was the freshman wrestling coach at UM when I was on the team, 1956.  Marsha, one of our table mates, said she dated Brad Glass, small world.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Liverpool 1”.  We have 1 episode left.  

Debbie just called.  She was on her way home from work.  It is now 2130 and as soon as I finish reading the WSJ I will join her.

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