Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 4, 2023

 Monday September 4, 2023

Blog time 1600, sitting in office

Happy Labor Day, 2023

Up this morning about 0800.  I slept ok because of having the AC on all night.

Today I decided no bike rides or walks.  It will truly be a relaxing day.

For breakfast this morning we drove to Sundance.  The place was not crowded.  Nancy ordered a western omelette and I had eggs and pancakes.  The food was good except for the pancakes.  They were tough.  I had to cut them with a knife.

This morning we made a trip to Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  It was near 90 and very sunny.  

We walked around and I spent some time in Brooks Brothers.  I was not dressed properly to try on clothes but later this Fall I will return and buy a blue suit.  I presently do not own a suit.  Every man’s wardrobe, I have been told, should have a basic wool blue suit.  

Nancy used her Talbot’s birthday credit cards.  She bought some cords. 

As we were entering Cook Valley Blvd we saw a falcon on the side of the road sitting on a rabbit it had recently killed.  It was not going to move and give up next weeks meals. 

We got home and since I promised no bike ride I took a nap.  Tonight at 1700 we are attending a Cook Valley Labor Day Pot-Luck.  We are taking shrimp and cookies.

52 folks attended the pot-luck.  Plenty of food for everyone.  The desserts were especially good.

Tonight Nancy and I watched an episode of “Liverpool 1”.  It was ok.

I did not think the WSJ published today but I have already read several articles.    

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